Stop Comparing Yourself With OtherssteemCreated with Sketch.

in Project HOPE2 years ago

Image source - Pixabay

You should be comparing yourself only with yourself of yesterday. And making sure that each day, you're better than the man that you were yesterday. But the mistake that I see most people making is that they don't look within themselves, but look at the next person. This will always make you come short, because comparing yourself with others has never brought about true improvement.

You're not the same as everyone else - different backgrounds. I'm pretty sure that you've heard the popular saying "Different strokes for different folks". The fact is that things may never align for you exactly the same way as it did for someone else. You must understand that things can align way better for you, when you learn to know who you are more.

You're unique, and you really don't appreciate that - as many as the number of human beings on planet Earth, you're the only one with your fingerprints. Just you and you alone. The fight isn't with anyone else but yourself. You are here to conquer the man that you were yesterday. Constant self improvement is the very way forward.

Image source - Pixabay

Focusing only on yourself and your growth. If come to see that the best of people in almost all works of life, have this believe that they're better than everyone else, and that they can't be comparing themselves with anyone else, but themselves. They see themselves as trend setters, and leaders. This should be how your should consider yourself.

Soon you'll see yourself ahead of everyone else, and they'll start comparing themselves with you. While you compare yourself with yourself of yesterday. Constantly improving each day is a major goal. Having this very change in mindset can set your life on a new level to greatness. Becoming better and better each day is your objective.

Thanks for reading!

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Everyone has their own unique abilities and it will be unwise to compare oneself with others. More so, comparison brings undue pressure.

Excellent read buddy

Thanks for coming around buddy!

 2 years ago 

Dear @humor0404

Great choice of topic buddy. And it's hard to disagree with you.

It seem that we all are "programmed" to compare ourselfs to others. Especially in early school years. Our teachers do that to us. Our parents do as well. So do we.

Then we get older, we discover social media and we often compare our lifes to lifes of others. Which sucks big time, since we cannot compete with 'demo versions of other people lifes' on instagrams and facebooks.

I've learned that comparing ourselfs is necessary, but we shall compare ourselfs with OURSELFS. To see how did we change and which direction those changes are taking us. Are we becoming better people or not?

Just like you've said: You are here to conquer the man that you were yesterday. Constant self improvement is the very way forward.


I'm pretty sure that you've heard the popular saying "Different strokes for different folks"

I actually never heard that saying. Good one.

Have a pleasent weekend ahead of you :)
cheers, Piotr

Thanks for coming around!

 2 years ago 

One more comment from me @humor0404

I was wondering if you do check your discord sometimes? It seem that you're not receiving my messages .... :(

I'll check that.

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