Avoiding Impulsive Decision

in Project HOPE2 years ago

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Image source - Pixabay

There are so many people who cannot control their emotions. Whenever they feel something they must act accordingly. This is unacceptable for an ideal human being. The reason why we're better than other lower animals is simply because we can control how we react and have higher intelligence to do so. But when you can't control yourself, then you've simply lowered yourself to the level of lower animals that act on instincts without reasoning.

Whenever decisions are taken in a rush, as a result of an impulse - it tends to come with complications that you never really took out time to analyse and evaluate. You must understand in life, you have cause and you have effect. Whenever you make unplanned or unpremeditated moves, whether you like it or not, the effect of your move, you'll surely face.

That's the reason why you need to hold yourself. As an intelligent person, you always need to control how you react. It's hard to control how people act towards you, but it's absolutely up to you, to dictate how you're going to react to the actions of people in relation to you. Looking at things from an outside perspective also helps. When you take yourself outside the moment, and analyse things like you're a passer by, you'll make better decisions.

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Image source - Pixabay

Most illogical decisions that people make in their businesses and other aspects of their lives are mistakes that they'll easily advise another human being to avoid. Meaning that - people usually know what's wrong from what's right, the challenge is that; when they are the ones involved, they invest their emotions into the situation. And whenever emotions are strongly at work, logic simply fades away.

This is the reason, you see some people lash out in anger and do terrible things. Only after they've caused so much damage, they regain themselves, and feel so bad about all they did. It's as though something else took over their body while they were overwhelmed with emotions. This is literally been impulsive. Doing what you feel at the moment without considering the consequences it will have. This must be avoided by all means possible.

Thanks for reading!

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Greetings @humor0404, I share with you the opinion about the cause and effect of action in each of the decisions we make in our lives, therein lies the importance of avoiding being impulsive when making a decision however small and insignificant it may be, it will always bring us positive or negative effects that will be anchored directly to the path we take.

Thanks for coming around!

Greetings @humor0404 no doubt sometimes and products of our own nature, we act without thinking and without assuming the consequences that may have these acts so that the impulses will only bring us problems but we learn to control them. Greetings

We should always put our emotions in check especially when we are about to make crucial decisions. Try to think through a decision before you take it and not rush into it.

Excellent read buddy

Rushing to make delicate decisions tend to bring disaster. Thanks for coming around buddy!

I think impulsice decisions are most likely very bad ones. Wheter it is animpulsive buy or just a promise, these things should always be thought through.

Very correct. Thanks for coming around!

Impulsive reaction is the reason behind lots of regrets, when there is a pressure to make impulsive decisions, it is best to calm down first, have a rethink before proceeding with making any conclusions whatsoever.

Impulsive reaction is the reason behind lots of regrets

So true. Thanks for coming around!

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