Artificial intelligence to support drug combinations design and personalized treatment

in Project HOPE4 years ago

Artificial intelligence, especially the analysis of small methods-of-interest unique datasets, can be used to improve drug progress and personalized medication.

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Artificial intelligence (AI) platform, Quadratic Phenotypic Optimization Platform (QPOP), That extensively improves combination treatment in bortezomib-resistant multiple myeloma to determine the first-class drug combos for character multiple myeloma sufferers.

It is now evident that tricky illnesses, such as melanoma, typically require amazing drug combinations to make any large therapeutic affect.


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Because the medicinal drugs in these mixture cures emerge as more and more designated to molecular ambitions, designing robust drug combinations as good as picking out the correct drug mixture for the right sufferer becomes extra elaborate.

Artificial intelligence is having a confident have an impact on on drug development and personalized medication.


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With the ability to efficiently analyze small datasets that concentrate on the distinctive ailment of curiosity, QPOP and other small dataset-headquartered AI structures can rationally design most fulfilling drug combinations which can be effective and centered on actual experimental data and no longer mechanistic assumptions or predictive modeling.

Moreover, considering the fact that of the efficiency of the platform, QPOP may also be utilized in the direction of worthy patient samples to aid optimize and customize combo therapy.




Great post Henry. I also write on AI @aiplusfinance and share your optimism on AI playing a crucial role in the future of health care delivery.

Hi dear @henry-9ja

Really very interesting, because the AI ​​can analyze combinations, simulate tests and generate mixtures that are useful to us. I think that nanobots with built-in AI will work here to study the changes generated in real time, a very big advance to be human cyber.

That right @ reinaldoverdu thanks you

I've always said it that Artificial Intelligence holds the potency to change the course of humanity. Now AI is finding applications in medical sciences. Believe me, this is nothing compared to what the future holds for AI.
Nice piece buddy

Sure. Thank you

Yes, this is a big part of why I am optimistic about the future of health.

This and also the predictive power of all our gadgets monitoring our health.

Take care dear friend.

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