Monday Motivation with Hardaeborla - Be Your Real SelfsteemCreated with Sketch.

in Project HOPE4 years ago


Hello Everyone 😊 it's another Monday morning and I hope this week will surely turn out great for everyone of us 😊. I am quite sure you all know every Monday morning is all about writing motivational post and if you aren't aware of this, I'll suggest you start visiting my blog every Mondays to avoid missing out something great 😊.

Today I'll be discussing about a specific topic which most people take for granted today. The understanding of this topic seems to be very minimal or lost amongst most people and this is actually why most people aren't living their life the way they ought to live. This same topic has also led to the great success stories of most successful people just because they stood by it in an obstinate manner.

What's actually today's topic gonna be about?

Today's topic is gonna be about "Be Yourself". I'm sure most of us might have seen this statement from my blog banner while some of us might have actually heard about this same word several times. The question is ***what does it really means to be yourself? ***

There is actually more to this statement than you can ever imagine and I'm quite aware that most of us may tend to have different meaning about what this word means depending on our level of knowledge and perception. I'll try my best to make you understand what this statement is all about and how you can apply this simple statement onto your daily life.

What Does it Means to "Be Your real self"
I stated earlier that the word be yourself may have different meaning to you depending on your level of experience and perception. I was able to get some vital meaning of what this simple statement means from some set of people and I'm actually gonna be posting just two out of the numerous meaning I have about the statement.

For some people, the word be your real self simply means just being true with whom you really are and never fake anything about yourself. It also means you should always be the best version of yourself without considering people's negative opinions about you.

For some other people, It may also mean loving yourself for whom you are and never giving a fuck. It also means being confident about whom you truly are without any fear or mentality of being judged by others.

The sad reality is that lot of dreams and great hope had actually been shattered due to the fact that people don't really value themselves. Bill Gates once stated that "comparing yourself with others is a great insult upon your own self". We now live in a world where by people don't know what they can achieve themselves just because they keep comparing themselves to other people. We now live in a world where people don't really know how great and successful they can be just by simply focusing on their selves and strengths but they keep living other people's lives instead of living their own life.

The fact is that most successful people of today were actually able to make their riches because they were actually themselves and this happened since they never gave up on their dream and they kept believing in themselves.

How does "Be Your Real Self" applies to this platform?

Some of the major goals of every user on this platform is to actually make more money or earn more upvote and one of the best ways of achieving this easily is to build more followers or target more audience who can upvote your content.

The sad reality is that some content creators aren't really good at writing quality post about some niches but they might be very good in writing about fashion but you still see this set of people changing their content from what they can do best to what others are doing just to earn upvote.

There are also some users who may be very good at vlogging or comedy skit (they are extremely good when it comes to making videos) but you see such people changing their niche into writing and this sometimes makes them flop when they come up with contents.

The fact is that whatever you do on this platform, there are users who are always ready and available to learn from you. I see no reason why users should be shy or scared about sharing what they can do best but what really saddens me is that they tend to do what others are doing. This is why you just have to "be your real self" on this platform.

How can you "Be Your Real Self"
I'll actually be rounding up my post with how you can really be your real self in five simple ways which are stated below ;


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A universal trait you will find in every successful people is self confidence. The more confident you are about yourself, the more your chances of you being your real self. The fact is that you can never be your true self without developing your level of confidence. Maybe I'll write about tips to help you build your self confidence next time when I'm less busy as this will help you a long way to achieve anything you wish to achieve 😊.



Have you ever wondered why some people who are on the same mission succeed than each other? 60% of this actually has to do with the level of their self belief. The more your self belief, the more stubborn you become achieving great things no matter the challenges you may experience.

This is why you see people with high self belief are always found of positive statement like "I can do this", "I can make this happen", "I got this", "I'm gonna win this"

This tip can also help you achieve anything in life and this is actually why it is a very important factor not to be ignored when you aim to be your true self.



In life people will always say good things and bad things about you including what you've done and what you actually didn't do. There are times whereby some people feel very bad about themselves just because of what people say about them or what people think of them.

The fact is that if you truly want to be your real self, you don't need to always throw stones at every dog that barks. The best you can just do is to ignore people's perception about you and focus more on yourself positively provided you are not hurting anyone. You just have to develop the habit of ignoring pessimistic comments about you and never spend much time with pessimists but spend more time with optimistic people who can encourage you and bring the best out of you.



One of the best ways of knowing yourself and understand yourself more better is to keep focusing more on yourself. The more you focus on your self, the more you discover yourself and the more you can control things that comes in or goes out.

This simply implies that for you to be your real self, you just have to be more focused on your self and always engage in activities that makes you happy and productive because this habit leads to one's self discovery.



The last but not the least is to always be happy with yourself. As they say happiness is a choice and sadness is also a choice, you either choose to be happy or you choose to be sad. The choice is left to you to decide but I'll always choose to be happy 😊.

You just have to be happy with yourself and never feel bad or sad about yourself. You have that special quality which no one has and you are very special and great but it's just that you might have not really discovered that yet.

It is also important you stop looking at people who have more than you in materialistic possession if it makes you feel dejected, always look at those who have lesser than you and you will discover how happy and grateful you should be.

Thanks for your time and I hope you all have a great week ahead with love from @hardaeborla



@hardaeborla we have to believe in our self thats what we will get success in life.

Yeah! That's actually the spirit 💪

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