A Simple Practice That Could Make Our World a Better Place

in Project HOPE4 years ago


Hello Everyone and I hope you all are definitely having a great time. Even though some of you might have had a very bad time or bad experience due to one reason or the other, I'm definitely optimistic that everything will surely be okay one day.

That Thought That Makes Me Sleepless Sometimes

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Sometimes I do feel dejected whenever I see our world turned out to be what it is today. This has actually led me to develop different thoughts at night thinking about what could have actually gone wrong? What could lead to some people being destructive while some people are constructive? What could lead to some people wanting to create more happiness while others are creating sadness?

I kept asking myself more questions about why some people just chose to remain brutal to others and why do we sometimes feel insecure or unsafe when dealing with people. What could actually be wrong?

My Dad's Experience

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I could remember my dad narrating one of his bad experience with people. He actually told me there's this friend of his whom they are both fortunate to practice the same occupation (teaching). There was also one particular rich and influential man who was also living in our street then. My dad's teaching partner and my dad himself happen to know this rich and influential man I'm talking about since they both live in the same environment.

One particular day, this rich and influential man came to my dad if he could actually help his child gain admission into tertiary institution just by making his child pass the O level examination on one sitting.

O level exams (WAEC/NECO) are very important exams which earns you high school certificate which can later be used in admission process or requirements in higher institution. This is mostly done in most African countries. That's just by the way.

My dad told his friend about this and they both strived to tutor this child before the examination and fortunately he was able to pass his examination. The child to his dad and this really made the rich man very happy and he decided he was gonna compensate both my dad and his friend without my dad knowing.

We live in a Strange World

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You won't believe that the rich man actually fulfilled his promise but unfortunately he was unable to get in contact with my dad for a very long period of time due to some reasons. He gave my dad's friend two plot of land with the hope of him gifting my dad a plot and he should take the remaining one but unfortunately, he held both lands and he built his house on one and he made use of the other land as a farm.

After some years, we really got to know what happened but unfortunately my dad's friend was sick which later led to him loosing his life due to his severe sickness. My dad then told me something which I have never forgotten he told me "my son, everyone will surely leave this world one day but always ensure you die with a good legacy and keep doing good before death comes".I held this word onto my my right hand and I hope to keep acting on his statement.

I hope we can all notice how my dad's friend cheated him due to what the world has turned into today. His personal greed made him did such act without any sense of sympathy or regrets! This is really very bad of him and I'm very happy my father forgave him for his bad action towards him.

I'm very sure if everyone else is giving a chance to narrate their experience about how they've actually been treated unjustly by others or their bad experience when dealing with people, I'm quite sure everyone will surely have something to write about.

The big question now is that what can we really do to avoid such problems happening in our world today? What can we really do to bring peace into our world today? How can we reduce this chaos?

The Solution Lies on a Simple Rule

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After the whole question running through my mind, I was able to conclude the solution lies on a simple rule known as the "Golden Rule". This rule may sound very familiar to some people and it may also sound very strange to others as well but the fact is that in one way or the other, we've actually practiced the Golden Rule at least once in our life.

The Golden Rule simply states that "do onto others what you want to be done onto you". The astonishing fact about the Golden Rule is that every religion preaches the golden rule but it's very sad that most people seems to be ignorant about this practice.

How Can The Golden Rule Change Our World For Good?

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I strongly believe that someone who wishes to be successful in life will not make others unsuccessful since that's really what the Golden Rule connotes. The Golden Rule wants us to live our lives in such a way that the positive effect or impact will be felt by others which makes them feel more optimistic and hopeful in life.

The Golden Rule also depicts that you don't harm people if you also don't want to get harmed since you know you won't like it when others harm you, so don't harm others.

The Golden Rule also connotes that you don't wish people downfall or make them fall from their place of success since you won't want the same to happen to you.

The Golden Rule simply means loving others and treating people the same way you wished to be loved and treated. That's simply the Golden Rule.

I really hope there may be a sense of change and development if we really teach our kids and practice the Golden Rule in our every day life but we now live in a world whereby everyone is ignorant about the Golden Rule making them hurt, destroy, kill and treat people as they feel like even though they won't want the same to be done onto them.

Thanks for your time and I hope you have a great day ahead with love from @hardaeborla



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What we expect from others, first is it important for us to imbibe the same and practice with our own-self. To live in a peaceful world, we first need to be peaceful with our own self only then can we spread the same energy around. Wonderful wise words

To live in a peaceful world, we first need to be peaceful with our own self only then can we spread the same energy around.

Hmmm.... This really got me thinking .

Thanks for your lovely comment

People act in weird manners without even thinking about what the outcome may be, friends hurt friends, siblings hurt one anot Iher in the basis of becoming wealthy and they forget that anyone can die at any given point and leave behind all the money and the title.

Hmmm... This is really powerful! I just hope we have people thinking this way though but they seem to be very scarce and few.

Well, in my opinion, we are living in such adverse world because people have failed to reciprocate. In summary, we are all products of our environment, I believe everyone is naturally good, our environment changes us.

Hmmm... I think you a bit right though because Shiv Khara said the same thing in one of his books when he stated that people are also influenced by their environment

Always having a positive mindset contributes to making us feel better. way we can have a positive mindset making all the ideas and motivation that we have be good, taking us to the exit

Having a positive mindset is really one of the best habit to always develop

This is a reality of life, there will be a lot of people placing hurdles in your success. The only way you can jump over tbem is your self confidence and determination. Also, never loose hope and keep moving to your destination.
God is Just and he will never let you down without a reason.
Just believe that everything happens for good❤❤❤❤

This is really why I will never forget God in everything I do because he's really the best of all planners.

Thats wonderful to hear🖤
Stay blessed buddy❤

Most of the time

"my son, everyone will surely leave this world one day but always ensure you die with a good legacy and keep doing good before death comes"."
Many people are not always aware of this great secret of life

It is really indeed a great secret 😊

@hardaeborla thanks for sharing this post. Humans are completely different, and even the good people are always hurt by other people.

What could lead to some people being destructive while some people are constructive? What could lead to some people wanting to create more happiness while others are creating sadness?

In this, people do not care about the golden rule. The truth is, we all do things that gives us satisfaction and make us feel good and this is what determines people’s attitude, thoughts and action. If killing makes a person satisfied and fulfilled, then they do it with no remorse. Our actions are directed by the after feelings of the actions and not the golden rule.

Yeah! You're absolutely right because people seem to have ignored the Golden Rule and they tend to live their lives as they please.

Thanks for your lovely comment

I already had the dream of changing the world, but when I realized that it was impossible... I lowered my expectations about it. However, by doing my part I hope I can inspire other people to do the same.

We live in a Strange World

Amusing. Adults probably think this message gets across from kids watching Sesame Street or Square Pants Bob.

Maybe every child should be required to write a paper about this topic.

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