Google Ban Lift IMHO

in Project HOPE3 years ago

Google will reverse crypto exchange & wallet ad ban


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Well, it looks like Google will be accepting crypto-related ads from August of 2021. Isn't it coincidental that they accept the ads AFTER the little "mini bear market" we are in (which in my opinion, we're still moving along in the bull market cycle). I do not think this is a coincicent. Nothing in the crypto space is coincidental. Everything is rigged and everything is planned. They've been planning this for the last 10 years ever since Bitcorn's existance. And, all I can say is.... Thank God we're all here on the right side of things.

I remember this article like it was yesterday...



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I seriously remember reading this article back in 2018. It was like Google wanted to taper down on the hype of Bitcoin, so they banned crypto ads. It wasn't because they didn't like crypto, ... They probably even have it themselves!!! They just didn't want a lot of other people getting into it.

But now that everybody and their uncle knows it's going to go to 100K and then 300k, now they're saying it's okay to get into crypto. Why? Because Bitcorn will be really expensive by then!! That's why. And for Google to allow ads from this August....isn't it a little too late? Why is Google allowing ads after the mini bear market? It is literally right after the cheap prices of crypto. They allow crypto ads when it's nearly at the top of the bull run? They could've allowed ads back in 2020 to give the little guy a chance. I keep thinking....Isn't that terrible.... to get the last little guy at the blow-off top of the bull market so they can get wrecked? What a nasty setup.

I already feel sorry for the soon-to-be-noobs who will get into crypto after this August when btc has already recovered and is at 75k~85k.

 3 years ago 

Interesting news @gungho

As you've summarized it: glad to be on "the right side of things".

is there any way to contact you via discord or telegram? I would like to be able to "connect".

Yours, Piotr

 3 years ago 

hi @gungho

I've tried to search for "gungho#8050" and I failed.

Is that your discord handle?

perhaps you could add me ? crypto.piotr#3426

Yours, Piotr

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