Saying Goodbye To Childhood

in Project HOPE2 years ago

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So many people still want to enjoy themselves and have fun like little children, but unfortunately they're adults; and as you know it doesn't work that way. In simple terms, what I'm saying is that - let kids be kids, and let adults be adults. As a child, you completely depend on your parents for everything, but as an adult, who do you depend on? Yourself.

So you see that you don't have that luxury of time to be playing your PlayStation all day, like you used to when you were a child. Things have changed, you are the one with the responsibility now. You cannot go to the football field everyday around your neighborhood, and start playing football all day just for fun like you used to do when you were younger. An adult has to save energy for productive work.

Quite painful in many ways, because I'm pretty sure that if most of us knew that the life of an adult is substantially difficult, we could have played just a little more when all the bills fell on the shoulders of those taking care of us. We could have read more books, played more video games and watched more movies. Because the life of an adult is mostly work, work, and work.


Playing time is quite over. If you're an adult and still insist on playing throughout your day, then you may have little successes in life. Right now, as an adult, you need to earn your playing time. If you wish to have fun, then complete all your work, complete a good chunk of your study, then clean up your desk, and go play a little.

Playing goes with a lot of caution as an adult, because if you don't keep your eyes on the ball, many things may go wrong. And you know things shouldn't go wrong, because now you're the one that have people depending on you. The good new is that, if you're able to work very hard and smart during your youth, you can amass a lot of money, invest wisely, and retire quite early - to start enjoying almost a childish lifestyle once again.

Thanks for reading. If you have any contribution, kindly drop it in the comment section below. Bye for now!!!



Hi @greatideas, very true what you share with us on this occasion we human beings are the most difficult rational people to understand.

We spend our childhood wanting to be an adult and have absolute independence and when we reach adulthood we want to go back to childhood so we can play and not have to worry about bills or other problems.

This is our sad reality

You put it so well. Truly our sad reality, you can't eat your cake and have it. Thanks for commenting.

This word is multivational and inspiring.

Am not too old on steemit please follow, and I will follow back

Thanks for commenting.

Hello friend,wow, great reflection, many people still don't realize the responsibility of being adults and all that implies. Being a child is wonderful and to think that when we are a child we want to be adults so as not to be accountable to anyone, how deluded we were. I wish we had had more time. Greetings.

That's the irony, children mostly want to be adults and some adults want to be children again. Thanks for commenting.

Saying goodbye to childhood can trigger hard feelings, especially in the early twenties but life doesn't always go as we like. In fact, it often goes the other way around. On the other hand, we can have some experiences in adult life that we wouldn't have had if we were kids... Either way, reality must be accepted just as it is.

Thanks for the nice post :) @greatideas

Correct, either ways reality must just be accepted. Thanks for commenting.

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