There is beauty in blemish

in Project HOPE3 years ago

It is often said, that things are not always what they seem and that one should not judge a book by its cover. Sometimes, beautiful things may appear ugly and ugly things on the other hand may appear beautiful. This is why one must be very careful in jumping to conclusions about things and people.


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A few years ago, I went hunting with a friend of mine, and we stumbled on a very strange animal, having a long pointed nose and an ugly appearance. It was hiding in a hole on a log of wood that was laying on the ground. And when we attempted killing it, it bite our dog and was making a continuous scary noise, which almost made us give up on it, but we persisted and eventually, we killed it.

Even after its death, this little fearful hunter was still very skeptical about touching it. It was my friend that summoned courage and picked up and put it in our hunting bag. All the while, I was wondering whether or not I would be able to eat this ugly beast and what will it even taste like.

On getting home, we signed it and thoroughly cooked it, being afraid of any possible infection. When it was done, I had to summon the courage to taste just a little of it...and guess what! The story changed.

I tasted the sweetest meat of my life. How could this ugly thing taste this wonderful? I was so amazed and impressed by the taste of it and ever since then, I have always been on the lookout for that particular animal anytime we go hunting. It's a pity that I don't know what this animal is called, I would have gladly introduced it to you.

Meanwhile, something more amazing than the taste is the lesson that I learned that day, that there may sometimes be beauty behind a blemish and that things are not always what they seem. I learned not to jump to conclusions. I learned not to judge people before trying them. I learned that there may be something beautiful even in people who appear hostile on the outside. So I take my time to study people thoroughly before passing a judgment on them.

How I wish that we all reach this knowledge that there are most times beauty in even blemish and that there's nothing that is all together ugly, for it even written, that when God made them, everything was very good.

thanks for reading and upvoting, God bless you real good.


Greetings @gracia-p, beyond the physical and visual there are potentialities that we must learn to recognize, unfortunately our society has not been wrapping in the aesthetic and superficial. Good job Greetings

Thanks for your contribution

Hello @grace-p!
Good reflection that you show us in your post, I think that today people are judged a lot, and more value is given to the physical, economic and other aspects that do not define the value of the person. We all have a great value and we must accept and respect ourselves as we are, no one knows what each person is going through at a given time and that leads him to act in a way, we should not judge others and especially from good to first. Thanks for sharing, greetings!

Thanks for your amazing contribution

We tend to give opinions unfounded by our beliefs and cultures that we do not know how much they can annoy and offend others, how nice it is to live life without having to pay attention to what others do.

Thanks for your contributions sir

Hello @grace-p

You should certainly be very careful about jumping to conclusions about things and people, and more so in this matter of appearances.

Best regards, be well.

Yes, we must not be judgemental in anyway.

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