You Want To Succeed, Learn these Things

in Project HOPE7 days ago

Everyday of your life, you complain, say harsh words and then blame the government for the current position that you are in because you have remain at one position for the longest of time that you now see it as normal and all you do is talk about it and remain in the circle. Well, if you continue this way, you will realize that there is no headway for you, and you might remain there for the longest without any changes. So let's see why you are at that spot or how you can get out of that position.

First, you need to start seeing your life as a book. If your life was to be written in a book, will there be anything significant or intriguing about it or will it just be a boring one of revolving round circles? You need to view your life as a book and be willing to write new chapters always instead of dwelling on one position for the longest thereby creating a failed end from the beginning.

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While you have agreed that your life is a book, another thing you need to learn is how to be reasonably delusional. I didn't say that you should see your life like a comic or fiction, I am saying that you should be able to envision possibilities in places where there are atoms of possibilities there. People who are too realistic do not go far in life, they are usually stuck at a position because they do not dare to give their thought a try since they believe what they are trying to do is realistically not possible. Planning and strategizing is one thing that people who are realistic try to do because they want to be practical but practicality doesn't always give result and this doesn't mean that people who are delusional always get results that's why I say you need to be a little bit delusional so you can be able to break boundaries.

Be willing to be lost in everything you do. Be lost in life and just enjoy the process because if you are stuck with everything around you, you would realize that you have made no headway at the end. Why you are getting lost in life, remember to build your own dreams because if you don't, people will hire you directly or indirectly to build theirs. Being an employee doesn't mean you are not building your dreams, you just have to make sure you create a career and an empire around what you do to make sure it is building your dreams and not someone else's.

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The reality is that no one knows what they are doing, people are just good at figuring things out as they begin or when they are in the middle of them. No one has their life perfectly fixed because life isn't like economics where all things are equal. There is no manual to being successful, just point your compass to the right direction and just do you.

Spending the entire year researching will not make you successful, most times, research is just a way to procrastinate. You do not a million research to get things done, you just need the fundamentals, weigh the risks and the gains, and get into. Hire people where you need to hire and do the ones you are suppose to do and you are good to go.

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Remember that everything in life is a trade off, nothing is free. Choosing to work all night means not having time to spend with family and friends but you are working to keep your future. Saving money now means you have to skip something so everything in life is a trade off because nothing is free.

In all you do, never joke with your health. You see, a healthy diet and continuous exercise is a step away from the clinic every time. It is easier to care for yourself now when you are healthy, because it is very expensive in the hospital. Also remember that in your life, people are meant to come and go, accept fate when people leave your life and appreciate the ones that stay because not everyone is meant to stay in your life.

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