What You Should be Doing in Your 20's

in Project HOPE4 years ago

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The twenty's is a time where everything seems to be at your side, from time, money, opportunity, ability to take risk and do a lot of other things but if things are not handled properly, a lot of mistakes can be made making the twenty's a period to regret as age keep increasing and one gets to their forty's.

When a person is in their 20's, it is a time to start making a better future and when they miss out of it, it becomes very difficult to work it out. Everyone is trying to find out how life plays, trying to look cool, trying to create a better future, trying to do impressive things, and trying not to fail but you see, the world has classed failure to the inability to create result all long and failure financially is the ability to create long lasting results financially .

One mistake a lot of people make in their 20's is buying what they cannot afford. one of the major things a lot of us cannot afford is a car but because we want to look cool, and be able to make people feel that we have arrived, we start by buying a car and then pimp it to the best of taste. Young people want to drive a nice car when they are young but they forget so soon that they need to be able to create a stream of income where cash inflow can cover up for cash outflow conviniently with no hickups.

I have noticed that a lot of people want to live the life of their instagram celebrities or show off affluent on social media becauee others are doing it. One thing I want to let you know is this, less than 1% of a person's real life is displayed on instagram but when you want to make your entire life based on the 1% being showed off, then you will have to spend additional money to keep up to that lifestyle. Livong large at an early age can be very good but can you live that large till you are 70 years? I am not against buying Gucci and Fendi or Versace but i just want to make you understand that if you spend your 20's accumulating funds and streams of income, then you can now start enjoying the rewards in your 30's. Use your 20's to build a financial empire.

Start to invest as soon as as possible and do not wait till you are old before you start to invest. Invest every penny you have at a young age. Never procrastinate on investing as you need to start as soon as possible.


Hello friend @gbenga.
Actually a great article that you share with us in this opportunity, since it is of great help for many young people who at a certain age forget many things, where, it is important to highlight what you express:

I've noticed that many people want to live the life of their Instagram celebrities or boast about being prosperous on social networks because others are doing it.

These are great tips that you share with us this time that I think are useful for anyone beyond their 20's. Greetings.

20's is the gae for doing lots of investment if you want to have a good and successful life , I was not told about it. If you have done good amount of investment in that age your retirement will be very good.

Hello @gbenga.

Certainly youth is an important time to make the best decisions that will shape our future, the age of 20 can be a good starting point to make good decisions in our lives.

Greetings friend and thank you for sharing.

I started investing in my 20s and by my late thirties I was a millionaire. The 2009-2021 bull market has been amazing for that!

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