Wars Are Won in Planning Rooms, Not on Battle Field.

in Project HOPE5 years ago

Strategy plays a key role in major aspect of life and business is one of them. Do not also forget that everything in life is a business which includes how you live your life. Choosing the wrong strategy and making the wrong plans are sign that you are already losing your battles from the planning room before even getting to the war ground/ battle field.

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Supremacy Planning/Strategy in Business

A lot of businesses have been standing for years and growing through the ups and downs of Market while still proving to be strong. You might have wondered how companies like Coca-Cola, JP Morgan, Johnson & Johnson, Shell, Exxon, Salomon brothers, Diebold, Corning, Dow chemical, Pfizer, and General Electric have stayed for over 100 years, or how companies like Boeing, Caterpillar, Disney, IBM, Phillip Morris, Nordstrom, Medtronic, Merck, and Morgan Stanley has been striving hard and big for the past 50 years, or how news companies like Microsoft, FedEx, Intel, Wal-Mart, Apple, and Amazon are still in the industry? Well, this falls back to strategy. A company is successful over a long term when there is a strategy that has been proven to be successful. These companies win in the boardroom before going to the marketplace to fight competitors. These companies have a strong, proven, strategy in place which they pursue with diligence over a long period of time.

You might have not noticed that the companies listed above are in different sectors and industries solving different needs, they have different CEOs and different board members, they bring different products to the market and are headquartered in different countries but they have a supremacy thinking and strategy rather than a competitive strategy with their competitors.
Starting with companies like;

  • Coca-Cola that intends to be the “foremost global beverage company and a name to reckon with worldwide”

  • Microsoft which intends to be the “Primary provider of software in the world, serving every home”.

This companies have a particular strategy and a particular market and they hit it hard unlike a few companies that decided to change course and got overthrown by new companies, like;

  • Cannon overthrew Xerox when they made a decision to go into the insurance business

  • Polaroid being displaces by Sony after the introduction of the Mavica digital camera

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Always Keep a Space for Improvement in Your Strategy

If you remain at the same point, you will soon realize that you were not moving while others had left you behind because they were continuously on the walk, run or fly. This is what happened to Barnes & Noble as well as Borders (Two bookstores that were dominant) when Amazon came into the market and dominated with a better strategy. Also, United Airline, American Airline, and Delta would testify to what happened when priceline.com appeared with strategies to become a dominant voice in airline booking which gave them control of the airline pricing policy.



Like the topic “Wars Are Won in Planning Rooms, Not on Battle Field”, it is visible that companies that have stayed long and strong have proven to have a very good strategist and a serious planning room for the wars also, those that have displaced former giants now to become giants in the industry have also showed the same traits of a strong planning room before a war and what is strategy in a planning room is Strategy not strength


everything in life is a business

Hopefully, not. There are sometimes unselfish beings and acts, charity, selfless love. Although, some psychologists say, if you make something good, you feel good, so, in this sense, it may be a business. Throwing a penny for a beggar means you buy good feelings for yourself with the coin.

Strategic planning is a science, taught on universities. Every businessman should be aware of that:

Strategic planning
Strategic planning is an organization's process of defining its strategy, or direction, and making decisions on allocating its resources to pursue this strategy. It may also extend to control mechanisms for guiding the implementation of the strategy. Strategic planning became prominent in corporations during the 1960s and remains an important aspect of strategic management. It is executed by strategic planners or strategists, who involve many parties and research sources in their analysis of the organization and its relationship to the environment in which it competes.Strategy has many definitions, but generally involves setting strategic goals, determining actions to achieve the goals, and mobilizing resources to execute the actions.

I cannot but agree with you that charity is a business of feeling good and getting attention if not, why will a lot of people give to charity publicly? Love isn't giving freely because those who love expect the same in return, if they do not get the same measure or more in return, they feel neglected or taken for granted.

I do believe life itself is business. It is give and take, buy and sell, plant and harvest, invest and get returns.

A little sad but can be true.

Hello @gbenga, according to you friend, strategy is very important, planning leads you to success and discipline also plays an important role.

Strategic planning is far more important than executing the plan although both are important

If you remain at the same point, you will soon realize that you were not moving while others had left you behind because they were continuously on the walk, run or fly.

I can't agree less to your assertions above. One must continue to do things to not stay stagnant but move forward. Cheers!

Thanks for taking time to go through the post. I hope you enjoyed it?

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