Married People Are More Financially Free than Single People

in Project HOPE2 months ago

With the current economic disaster my country is undergoing and seeing the way people are trying really hard to survive, it now looks like that overly friendly aunt who wouldn't mind her business is doing you a great favor when she is asking you when you intend to get married.

Life is looking a little better for people who are in a relationship and have learnt to share financial responsibility while it is now becoming a nightmare for single people. While I would have love to say it is a singular experience in my country, in actual sense it is not rather it is global.

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Globally, there is a wide gap between single people and married couples and this gap can be seen in discounts for married people compared to the price for a singular person even at an event. Being married, there are certain benefits that are opened that would help to grow the income but this benefits are not extended to single persons.

When a person is single, it is impossible to share expenses with someone else since they aren't a part of your life. Sharing a house with a roommate isn't like sharing with a partner because roommates usually leave very early but partners remain for a long time at least until there is a breakup or divorce in rare cases that is if both couples can afford it.

When government agencies are taxes the income of a households, they would definitely make the payment for 2 person's higher but the percentage would not be 100%. In most cases, it wouldn't be up to 50% of the price for a single person living in the house which means if the two of them share the money half, they will not be paying up to the amount 1 person would be paying.

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According to the United Bureau of Labor Statistics, has proven that married men get about 40% increase in earning than single men. Some people say it is the push to want to provide more for the family causing them to work longer hours or do more jobs is one reason why they make more money, while their partners over domestic duties like cooking, and caring for the children which single men would have to deal with the difficulty of arranging the house and doing house cores.

Some people believe that while it is wrong to ask for the marital status of people when employing them, the reason why married men make more money than single men is because they are seen as more matured than single men, they are also singled out for promotion as they cannot leave their jobs to another like single men.


I still even that even those married people still have a whole lot of financial responsibility on their shoulders compared to the singles

It depends on the perspective and the financial obligations.

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