However, live intensely

in Project HOPE3 years ago

We have always heard that we should live as if it were the last day of our life, but others tell us that it should be as if it were the first. What would it be like to live both ways?

Suppose our first day of life were spontaneous, meaning, that it was not a process of birth and growth, but that we awoke to the world as we are. what would our reaction be? what attitude would we have to what we see?

On that first day, we would be excited, curious, because everything would be new to us. The sun, the water, the animals; our own body.

To be able to see, speak, hear, touch. To detail the color and smell of a flower or marvel at the imposing mountain or the immensity of the sky. Every sip of water or taste of a pizza would be a new, fascinating experience.
It is our first day of life, we have a whole world to know. We would want to live with intensity.

Live intensely.jpg

Live intensely

At the other extreme, the "live as if it's the last day". For some this is a fatalistic and gloomy statement. However, death is uncertain, we will never know when it will come. So let us not let the hours pass in vain, let us express, let us feel, let us experience. On the first day we think we have a whole life ahead of us, on the last day we know we will die soon, and we are urged to live 100% because after that day we will be no more.

And therein lies the importance of saying "I love you", "sorry", "thank you"; of savoring every moment, a conversation with our friends, a walk, or watching a sunrise. In short, to live intensely (and to do what we like), to enjoy every minute.

Because life is a balance between living with the fascination of the new and the nostalgia of what will be no more.

So, whether it's the first or the last day, either way, Live intensely.

The image is the logo of my writing and lecture project "Live Intensely". This writing summarizes the essence of that philosophy.

The logo was designed by @parauri.

Logos G. S.Bilbao_violeta.png

This is my personal brand logo for the "Live Intensely" themes.

Original G. S. Bilbao


Living intensely most people relate it (young people) with a myriad of wild and unbridled experiences, I think it is as you say is to enjoy and digest every moment that fills your lungs with air and make the most of it.
To live intensely is to use the china or glasses you have saved for special occasions, you are that special person who deserves everything good and quality.
Thank you for sharing

Hello buddies.
Life isn’t always sunshine and butterflies. Sometimes you got to learn to smile through the pain. And life is also the greatest mystery. You never know where it will take you and when it will end. So, my dear friend, believe that life is worth living and your belief will help create the fact.

It's a mystery, you said it, do we know how we got here, where we are going, what we are doing here? (I mean humanity). Anyway, since we are here, let's live intensely.

Thanks for stopping by.

Having a near death experience, let's say that it leaves us with that feeling that at any moment it can be the last breath, the last sip of air that we can take, having gone through this type of experience has left me a very big teaching and is that we should not leave for tomorrow what we can do today, that call, that message, that I love you dad, I love you mom, or I love you son will not be possible to say it once we are not there, that's why now every day I remind those I love, I do not leave for a new pair of shoes for a special occasion, because simply the fact of being breathing is already something special and more in these times where many of us have learned to value in the worst way what is a simple breath.

My dear Francis, how nice to see you here.

You literally made the hairs on my arms stand up with that last line. Long time since a piece of writing did that to me.

I have nothing more to say. thank you for such a valuable and eloquent contribution!

(I think I'll take those words to develop a post. Don't worry, I'll give you the credits 😉).

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