Live looking ahead without turning back

in Project HOPElast month
Greetings to all fellow Steemit members, today I share with you this brief story about how following the teaching of our ancestors who are now elders, we can take advice and be able to live more comfortably.



Once upon a time, there was a wise old man who lived in the mountains, far from the hustle and bustle and worries of the world. His name was Hector and he had dedicated his entire life to the study of stoicism, a philosophy that promoted serenity and acceptance of life's circumstances.

One day, an anxious young man full of doubts came to Hector's hut in search of answers to his problems. The old man received him kindly and offered him a hot tea before listening to his story.

The young man told him that he felt overwhelmed by the responsibilities of life, by the expectations of others and by the uncertainty of the future. He was constantly worried about what was to come and could not enjoy the present.

Hector listened patiently and then told the young man, "Life is full of ups and downs, good times and bad times. But the important thing is to learn to accept what we cannot change and to find inner peace in the midst of the storm."

The young man looked at him in surprise and asked how he could do that. Hector replied, "Practice gratitude for what you have instead of focusing on what you lack. Learn to control your thoughts and emotions, and you will find the strength to overcome any adversity."

The young man reflected on the old man's words and thanked him for his wise counsel. He left the hut with a sense of calm and determination, determined to apply the principles of stoicism in his daily life.

From then on, the young man learned to face situations with serenity and acceptance, and discovered that true happiness lay within himself, not in external circumstances. And so, he followed his path with the wisdom of the old man as his guide, always remembering that the greatest strength lies in the mind and in the heart.


Most of the time the best option we can actually do for ourselves is to live and never look back. We should not regret leaving because at times that can really be the best option for us to do

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