Flows with the current

in Project HOPE2 months ago
Greetings to all fellow Steemit members, today I share with you this story about stoicism and how knowing a little about it, helps us to be able to move forward with our lives and flow with the current, without the need to try to separate ourselves from it.


In the highest hills of Greece there lived a stoic philosopher who lived in complete harmony with the nature that surrounded him. He used to spend long hours contemplating the starry sky on moonless nights, seeking the wisdom that the stars offered him.

One day, a young disciple approached him for advice. The young man told the wise Stoic about his worries and confusion about his future, about the decisions he had to make and the paths he should follow in his life. The philosopher listened to him attentively and then told him:

"My young friend, life is like the river that flows without stopping. Every obstacle, every curve, every eddy are part of its natural course. Do not look for definitive answers or pre-designed paths, for true wisdom lies in accepting the uncertainty and impermanence of all things. Flow like the river, adapt your mind to the changes as water adapts to the shape of the rock that contains it."

The disciple meditated on these words, and little by little he came to understand the teaching of the Stoic philosopher. He learned not to cling to expectations, not to fear challenges and to find calm in the midst of adversity. Thus, he followed his path with the certainty that true wisdom is found in the acceptance of reality as it is, without seeking definitive answers or transcendental purposes.

And so, the philosopher and his disciple continued their existence in harmony with nature, learning every day to be stronger, wiser and more serene in a world full of uncertainty and impermanence.

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