Cultivates gratitude, acceptance and self-love

in Project HOPE3 months ago
Greetings to all fellow Steemit members, today I share this story about a young man who was led to the answer about his inner happiness, where self-love makes possible all that we seek.


Once upon a time there was a wise philosopher who lived on the outskirts of a small town. All the inhabitants came to him in search of answers to their great questions about life and the universe. One day, a curious young man approached the philosopher and asked, "How can I find true happiness?"

The philosopher smiled and said, "Come with me". They both walked to a nearby lake and the philosopher asked the young man to dive into the water. Surprised, the young man obeyed and plunged into the lake. After a few seconds, the philosopher told him to get out. The young man came out of the water, his hair wet and his clothes soaked.

The philosopher asked him, "What did you feel while you were underwater?"

The young man replied, "Nothing but the need to breathe, I was desperate to get back to the surface."

The wise philosopher smiled and said, "That is the key to finding true happiness. When you look for happiness on the outside, like the air you need to breathe, you will always be longing for more. But when you find happiness within yourself, in your own being, like the tranquility you experienced underwater, then you will have peace and fulfillment."

The young man understood the philosopher's lesson and from that day on he began to search for happiness within himself, cultivating gratitude, acceptance and self-love. And he discovered that true happiness resided in his own existence and not in external circumstances.


You are right. It does not take anything to always be grateful. We should always cultivate the heart of gratitude

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