Always accept advice even if you think you don't need it

in Project HOPE6 months ago
Greetings to all fellow Steemit members, today I share this reflection on the advice that life gives you and almost always you ignore them because you think they will not help you, without knowing that they can change your whole life.


In a small town called Wisdom, there lived an old philosopher named Aeneas. Aeneas was known throughout the region for his profound wisdom and his ability to solve any dilemma or problem that came his way.

One day, a young man named Luke came to seek the old man for advice. Lucas told Aeneas that he felt his life lacked purpose and that he felt lost in a sea of uncertainty. Aeneas listened attentively and then told the young man:

"Lucas, the key to finding your purpose in life is to seek the wisdom within yourself. True happiness and fulfillment come from discovering who you really are and acting accordingly. Don't look outside for answers, look within."

Luke reflected on the old man's words and decided to embark on a journey of self-knowledge. For months, he dedicated himself to meditate, study and reflect on his values, dreams and deepest desires.

Finally, one day he returned to see Aeneas and said to him with a smile on his face:

"Elder, I have found my purpose in life! Now I know who I am and what I must do to be happy. Thank you for your wise counsel."

Aeneas smiled proudly and gave young Luke a hug. "Remember, dear Lucas, that wisdom is not found in following the path that others have laid out, but in creating your own path and living according to your deepest values. You are the master of your destiny and only you can give true meaning to your life."

From that day on, Luke followed the old man's advice and lived a full and happy life, knowing that true wisdom lies within. And so, Aeneas' philosophy spread throughout the people of Wisdom, teaching everyone that true happiness is found in seeking the truth within oneself.


Nice piece. It is always better to welcome an idea or a piece of advice even if you do not agree to it at first.
Thanks for sharing, friend.

That's the whole point of ideas and advice, you almost never need it at first, but there comes a point where you say, thanks to that person who gave me advice, I was able to do this.

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