Our comfort zone, I think it's a place many of us want to be.

It's that zone that gives us a lot of security, that keeps us from coming out of our bubble or our shell. That prevents us from progressing, growing, knowing other emotions and facing constant change.




But why is this happening to us? Is it because we're comfortable people and we want to be free of stress or problems? Or is it because we're insecure people?

Actually I'm more inclined to the second option, I want to tell you a little bit about myself this time. I was a person too INSECURE, I was very afraid of changes, new situations, simply where I was not in control of things, I think there is still some of that, but I have been able to work on it and change some things in my life. I must thank someone who has helped me a lot with that @josevas217 the truth has been an effort of both.

I don't know if it has to do with my upbringing maybe yes or maybe no, but the truth is that I have always been very fearful and many times I let opportunities pass by just because I was in my area, where I could drive and where I could feel safe. By this I am not saying that feeling safe is wrong, obviously not, but I am just saying that our own insecurity does not allow us to grow and experience other things, things that can make us better people and benefit us in many other ways.




It is up to us to make the decision to go out and get to know the world and the emotions that this entails, sometimes we don't want to go out and go through possible bad times because we don't want to experience bad emotions, but those emotions are still part of our life, life is not only laughter and joy, there are also sadness, worries, anger, etc, but they are emotions that we must learn to handle and accept in our day to day life.

Experiencing new things in my opinion will generate more self-confidence or at least it happens to me, sometimes I think I am not able to do certain things and it turns out that I am, and that is where I realize that I am stronger than I think and that living with fears and insecurities does not generate any benefit but quite the opposite. And that's not how I want to live my life.





I want to be able to dare to do many things, without fear of making a mistake, because making a mistake is also an option, and as I said before everything is part of life, it is useless to stay in the same place always, if this is the case we will never advance, we will not learn, we will not enjoy, we will not experience all our feelings and emotions, in short, we will not live.

For that reason I have decided to leave my comfort zone and face the world and everything it has to offer.

And you still live in your comfort zone or have you already left it?

Thanks for reading me!!

This post was previously published in my other blog!







Our brains were programmed to avoid discomfort and that´s why we seek routines and a comfort zone, because we know that will stay safe there. But what we can't understand is that we only start to actually live outside of your comfort zone... And to illustrate that I´ve always used Will Smith speech on skydiving and what fear does to us.

You're absolutely right, buddy! Thanks for coming in.

If you want to achieve something big, you'd have to leave your comfort zone and struggle out there in the middle❤
As it is said that to get something you might have to loose something 🖤

It's the right thing to do, thank you very much for commenting!

The comfort zone is a very beautiful place, but nothing grows there, making significant achievements will require leaving our comfort zones.

You're absolutely right, buddy!

A comfort zone can be very distracting, it keeps us glued to a point without making any form of progress and we only realize how much time we have waited when we step out of it.

The truth is nothing ever happens in a comfort zone no matter how safe it seems.

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The comfort zone is a safe zone in which we would all like to be, but not many things that are necessary in this life can be found in that zone, so it is necessary to leave that zone from time to time and face the harsh external reality that is outside that zone, then we can from time to time take refuge again in the comfort zone.

Thank you for sharing such a good analysis dear friend. Greetings

Hey, buddy, thanks for commenting. You are absolutely right it is a supposedly safe area for many but the reality is that nothing happens there.

Currently, comfort zone is the safest zone I have experience today. leaving it, I should prepare a lot of things. Sometimes leaving comfort zone costly. That 's why I prefer move slowly from comfort one to another place that comforts me better.

Hi dear @franyeligonzalez

Certainly, leaving your comfort zone translates for many into risk, danger, uncertainty and you could even think of a potential failure; however, in my case I decided, like a large part of my family and acquaintances, to migrate from my country and leave my comfort zone; consequently I have had and continue to do so, to face my worst fears and insecurities but at the same time I have gotten a lot of learning in return and the one that I will need to achieve I suppose.
Excellent content and theme that you bring us my dear friend, congratulations.

I agree with you my friend, I also went through the same thing and the truth is not easy, but here we are, alive and willing to keep fighting! Thank you for coming in.

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