Hello dear friends, I hope you are well and have a happy start to the week, that all your projects and objectives are fulfilled. And as always remain active in our community.

Today I want to talk again about a bit of a trite subject but that fortunately or unfortunately changed our lives, either for the better or for the worse, but I think something has left us, last night I asked myself this question, What did the pandemic leave you with?

I think there is always something we can learn from all the circumstances we went through and today I want to talk a little bit about all these things that I think this quarantine left me with.




First of all, the fact that life CAN CHANGE AT ANY TIME, sometimes we have plans and goals laid out but I consider that nothing is written and we can appreciate that today, for the one who thought he would spend his whole life in a specific job and term unemployed or the one who thought he would graduate on time and had to delay his semester.

As we say, nothing is written, life goes round in circles and this pandemic surprised us all, many of us thought that it would not get here and it turns out that it covered practically everyone.


Secondly, APPRECIATE LITTLE AND BIG MOMENTS, many of us spend our lives in constant complaint and reproach, including myself, sometimes we are not grateful with how little or how much we have, but we must learn that life is like that, it has its ups and downs, not everything is rosy, but equally we must enjoy the moment or at least learn from it.



Thirdly, MORE VALUING OUR FAMILIES AND FRIENDS, I think one of the most important. Nobody is immortal and this pandemic took many, families were left incomplete, even the youngest had to leave, so the best thing we can do every day is to value those around us, give them love and affection, tell them how much we care, because we don't know if tomorrow we will have a new opportunity.

In fourth place, VALUE OUR TIME MORE, we like very much to procrastinate and leave everything for later, but the best time will always be TODAY, we can never be sure that there will be a day after today. So let's not leave everything for the last minute, let's try to be as productive as possible.

And last but not least, IN THE WORST CIRCUMSTANCES WE CAN ALWAYS GROW, many people today apply for this statement, many lost their jobs but took on others and with better benefits and profits. That tells us that we can always do a little more, but the comfort does not leave us. The comfort of a stable job and a fixed salary doesn't allow us to look a little higher.



Let us not be afraid to take a new path, to embrace those we love, to say what we feel, to make things happen, to leave excuses behind, to look beyond our noses, to say no, to fight for our dreams and to abandon those of others, to set ourselves goals and to fulfill them, in short, to live as if there were no tomorrow.


Those are my learnings, what are yours?

Thanks for reading me! :)





Hermosa reflexión amiga... creo que todos aprendimos a valorar lo que tenemos y dar el lugar que corresponde a cada cosa. Lo mas importante con esta pandemia muchas personas han conocido lo maravilloso que es Dios!

Hello friend, that's right, everything leaves a learning curve!

Con el apoyo de la familia.

Trail de TopFiveFamily

Thank you for your support!

Hello dear friend, thank you for sharing your learning about the pandemic with us. I believe that each one had an experience, although similar in some aspects, very different in others.

That's right my friend, we all lived different things, but I think we all learned that nothing is written.

Lo primero amiga es agradecer porque estamos vivos, y por la oportunidad que tenemos, porque muchos no lo lograron. Y a partir de ahi comenzar de nuevo. Como dices tenemos que luchar por los sueños.
Si se puede.

Hello friend, beautiful words! I agree, greetings!

Greetings @franyeligonzalez

Good question, I proceed to answer my personal experience, because the pandemic gave a very positive turn to my family environment, because I could share more time with my children, devote myself to reading and writing something that I have always liked, but that for always being busy, little time was dedicated to strengthen reading, I also started my own family garden, something that is serving me to educate my eldest daughter, in short left me quality time for my family.

Hello friend, I think it's excellent, I think this pandemic left good things too, now we can make much better use of our time and value other things. Greetings!

You are very right my dear, the pandemic has changed us in many ways but not all of them are completely bad, this crisis has taught us a lot and the things you mentioned are some of the main ones and I feel very identified with them.

Hello that's right, you have to see the positive side in every moment and in every circumstance. Greetings!

Greetings friend

The most important thing that this pandemic has left us is that where there is unity there is strength and we have learned to value the important things in life such as our family and friends, we have seen that work is not everything in life
Beautiful reflection you share with us

Thank you for sharing your article

Hi friend, thanks for your words! Certainly this pandemic brought us many lessons! Thank you for commenting.

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