Hello dear friends, I hope you are very well today, and that you are having an excellent weekend. I recently listened to an audio that really moved a lot of things in me, I have not been having such good days as I would like and I have decided to listen to audios about MOTIVATION, so today I want to talk about it.


If today we have the opportunity the best thing we can do is to take advantage of it, you never know what can happen, and if we want to achieve our goals we must start as soon as possible.



The day is today and it only depends on us, we cannot wait for others to encourage us and give us the motivation, we must do it and find it ourselves, obviously a little help is not superfluous but we must be aware of the situation.

Believing in ourselves and in what we want will give us self-confidence and allow us to achieve what we want to do. Many people do not have the opportunity that we do, so I think we should value that, sometimes we think we are bad but there will always be someone in worse conditions.

I know that sometimes we fall into a vicious circle where we are encouraged and then we fall into a process of PROCRASTINATION, I have been through it and that only makes things worse and makes us lose valuable time, so we must act and not let that make us small, on the contrary, we must restart and start again.



We can start little by little, we are not going to achieve everything in one day, the world was not created overnight, and reaching our goals will not be immediate, we just have to keep going and be consistent, discipline is part of the process.

Particularly it has helped me to establish ROUTINES, if we stick to daily routines that can help us to maintain an order and organization of all our goals. I have also decided to write everything down, to have planners, that will help us to remember our tasks. But the most important thing is to have a MOTIVATION, to HAVE GOALS AND OBJECTIVES, otherwise I think it will be very difficult to maintain a focus and stay on the right path.

Doing what we like may be the first option, think about it and see if you are doing what is really important to you, what causes you satisfaction, if not, we are doing something wrong.

Thanks for reading my post, cheers!!!! :)




Greetings my friend @franyeligonzalez, without a doubt sometimes we enter a state that in a certain way affects us emotionally and does not allow us to perform in our work and when this happens or inspiration is lost, it is necessary to appeal to planning and it is this planning the one that will force us to comply with what we already have stipulated for our lives. Thanks for your input

Hello friend, thank you for your words! Best regards!


I believe routines are very crucial if you want to make progress with one's life. It is very hard thing to do. I'm yet to have a perfect routine, still trying hard to. But I know just how essential it is to have a routine.

Very nice article @franyeligonzalez

Hello friend, thank you for your words! Greetings and thanks for your comment!

Or the best day to start is everyday. ☺

Hello friend, thank you for your words! Best regards!

The best day is today and the best time is now. We have all the opportunities but we don't see it, just start and things will unfold.

Hello friend, thank you for your words! Best regards!

Procrastination will indeed always remain the thief of time, continues procrastination will make achievement extremely impossible for us and the sooner we get that right, the better it becomes for us to get back on our feet and get to work.

Hello friend, thank you for your words! Greetings and thanks for your comment!

Greetings @franyeligonzalez, I am one of those who think that we should not leave for tomorrow what can be done today starting from this every day is important to start projects that identify us with our life goals. for this we must plan our daily activities to not generate problems in terms of forgetting some activity.

Excellent article.

Hello friend, thank you for your words! Greetings and thanks for your comment!

Hola Amiga @franyeligonzalez me gusta mucho tu publicación, a veces yo también me siento desmotivada y baja de energías...pero para adelante con Dios todo sin el nada...😘🤗🥰

Hello friend, thank you for your words! Best regards!

Hi @franyeligonzalez, thank you for these gratifying and reflective words, finding inspiration in these difficult times is much more complicated when we are not in negative and problematic environments, that complicates to be able to see the crisis from another angle. I liked your arguments, the organization of our daily activities helps us to release stress, who is not organized lives full of unnecessary tensions.

Hello friend, thank you for your words! Greetings and thanks for your comment!

I love your publication. Sometimes we have so many things to do and we put it off. Organization is key to feeling less frustrated and achieving our goals.

Hello friend, thank you for your words! Greetings and thanks for your comment!

I know that sometimes we fall into a vicious circle where we are encouraged and then we fall into a process of PROCRASTINATION, I have been through it and that only makes things worse and makes us lose valuable time, so we must act and not let that make us small, on the contrary, we must restart and start again.

This paragraph says a lot about what happens to most of us, and I'm one of those people even though I still do my best with the help of anything like applications on the phone or words to read anywhere I go so I won't be slacking again and it's actually helping.

Even though it's hard sometimes to make a routine especially if there are things that have open time like studying that you can't just control in specific hours in your day since it depends on how much you progress not how much time you spend.

Thanks for sharing!

Hello friend, thank you for your words! Greetings and thanks for your comment!

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