in Project HOPE4 years ago (edited)

Hello friends of @project.hope I hope you are feeling very well and that this week has been of many goals achieved! :)

Today I want to focus on an important topic with which many of us will surely feel identified. PROCRASTINATION

We have all at some point postponed some activity, whether important or not, but the big question is, do we know why we act that way?




I particularly think or rather I thought that everything came from the lack of productivity of each person and the bad organization that could have with his life and his daily activities, but today investigating on the topic I found an article that talks about a quite interesting cause, "OUR EMOTIONS ".

The truth surprised me the article because I had not heard or seen it that way, at some point I could think that everything is due to a certain fear of not wanting to assume or face certain situations and I think that it was not so far from what perhaps is the reality.

” “Procrastination is an emotional regulation problem, not a time management problem," said Tim Pychyl, a professor of psychology and member of the Procrastination Research Group at Carleton University in Ottawa, Canada. ” Source

I sincerely believe that there is much reason for that statement, and it makes sense since many people prefer to procrastinate before taking on any challenge, since they do not feel confident enough to do so. It is a subject of AUTOESTIMA in my opinion, if we do not believe in ourselves we will never stop feeling inferior and incapable of facing any work, activity or situation.



In addition to feeling incapable of doing any activity, we fall into this vicious circle of procrastination and subsequently feel worse as a person, our self-esteem declines more and more and we enter into certain problems such as depression or anxiety, feeling dissatisfied with all that we are and questioning ourselves for not having done everything possible to be better people, workers or simply for not achieving our objectives and goals.

So when I read all this and come to these conclusions I can only say that the solution comes from within and not necessarily from the outside (of having to organize and plan our time more), it is something that goes beyond what we imagine and that without knowing it can be affecting our state of health both physically and emotionally.

Although many of us do not want to accept it, many times our defects or difficulties in certain aspects of our life come from the psychological side, from years ago, of course that does not mean that we should carry it with us for the rest of our lives, but in order to work on it we must be aware that the problem is there. From then on it is up to us to work on it or simply to move on to the pathological.

Thanks for reading me!





Procrastination is a very bad idea, it feels very convenient to move important things forward but it is never a wise thing to do. Constant improvement on ourselves provides us with more zeal to succeed.

That's right friend, thanks for stopping by.

Serious self love and improvement is a necessary ingredient for attainment of success.

There are days when I look at myself in the mirror and I say to myself, Tobi you can do this, you are strong and intelligent.

Hello friend that's right, trust is everything.

You are right, a good number of times we procrastinate when we see how much we have to do and we feel incapable of the task but the solution is to feel strengthened at all times.

Just as lack of confidence in one self can lead to procrastination, laziness and lack of self-control or discipline also lead to procrastination.

Very good topic friend, sometimes at some point in my life and suffered from that evil, I have postponed important things and as you say it is a psychological issue you must demand yourself and believe in yourself

I agree with you, most people prefer to postpone what they are going to do before facing reality, when we have low self-esteem nothing goes right, we put obstacles in the way that do not exist but for us at the time to do, when we begin to value ourselves without expecting anyone to do it for us and showing that we can go out and meet our goals and objectives. Greetings friend @franyeligonzalez

"if we do not believe in ourselves we will never stop feeling inferior and incapable of facing any work, activity or situation."

So much truth to this. Strength lies within. As individuals, I think we need to give ourselves more credit to our abilities. So many of us rely on others, when we should be listening to ourselves.

Outstanding post @franyeligonzalez!

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