Hello everyone, I hope you are very well my dear friends, I hope you have an excellent week and can achieve all your goals. Today I want to talk about a topic that at some point we have all had to live, or at least I have. PROCRASTINATION ", a very comfortable word that makes us go backwards in life.

Today I am struggling with it, I think that in a way the arrival of the pandemic has brought me great things, but on the other hand, I have obtained certain disadvantages, for example, stop doing things that would help me to move forward and be closer to my goals.



First of all I think that we must take into account OUR TIME, organizing our days, weeks and months is the best thing we can do, having a daily planning, getting up every day with clear ideas, I think it is very satisfying. Time passes and does not come back, it is not returned and tomorrow we will know all the time we have lost or gained.

The most important thing is to keep focused, not to get distracted from our objectives and goals, we are not perfect, we can make mistakes, but everything lies in moving forward and learning from our mistakes.



Sometimes we are very hard on ourselves and we want to do things that we know are not achievable at least in the short term, we should be more aware of our abilities and what we can achieve in a short period of time. I am not saying that it is wrong to want to achieve great things, but we must have our feet on the ground and do things step by step.

Success is usually achieved with effort and dedication, we must learn a little discipline and not think that things will happen by magic.

Sometimes challenging ourselves to accomplish something and for that GET A PRIZE, can work, I do not say it is something that takes us out of desvalance, it can be very simple things like going out and watching my favorite movie or eating my favorite food, small things but that are part of our life.

DISCONNECT FROM DISTRACTORS, social networks today are the main distractor, at least in my case, I love series and movies, so I must reduce the hours I spend on my phone watching them. We must be responsible and sincere when starting a job or an important activity. Zero distractions will help us to be more profitable and productive.

DON'T BELIEVE WE ARE MULTITASKING, it is good to want to do many things at the same time, but in practice it does not work out well. We can get saturated with information and we would not finish any of the activities. So it is better to focus on one but know that we will finish it.

And finally, REST, the fact that we do not want to procrastinate does not mean that we do not deserve a break, like everything else we are not perfect and we are not machines, we need to shut down to recharge energy.


Thank you so much for reading my post!!!! :)


Procrastination has actually been one of the obstacle or weakness affecting me to do some certain things which could make me mire productive and successful. It's high time I start dealing with such bad act and start doing what I ever I wish to do instantly.

Thanks for sharing this great post with love from @hardaeborla and I hope you have a great day ahead ❤️💕❤️

Certainly my friend, all human beings at some point our bodies will demand that rest that we deserve so much.

Greetings and thank you for your contribution.

hello @franyeligonzalez I am one of those people that if I don't write down everything I have to do in the day, I forget half of it, with the passage of time I have learned, that now more than ever, I need to bring that order to my actions so that everything flows with "normality".

Well said. I think one major strategy to overcome procastination is to keep focus and be committed. And daily planning also will go a long way in helping one achieve his or her goal instead of procastinating

This is something that I've struggled with for a long time and I feel blessed to have stumbled into this guide. Really appreciate this


I guess I figured this out late a bit, I used to do multi things, nothing will be finished by the end of every day but just progress.

I wonder if there is any way to tell people or ask them to be aware of time, some people we care about and we feel like they are wasting much of their life but when we do advise them they might listen but not change or maybe they won't take us seriously, sadly.

Most times just as you have said we are always hard on ourselves which at the end of the day result into us wantinh to procastinate something.

Actually many will have love to achieve a lot in this world but due to they are not able to deal with the addiction of procastination, it has limit their success rate

Hello, unfortunately this article describes me. I also have procrastination. I had a lot of trouble with this and still do.

However, I have been aware of this for a very long time, you know, being aware of a problem is the first step to overcome it.

I will try to follow your advice and we will see the result together. Thank you for this beautiful article, @franyeligonzalez


I loved this part. We do need to be realistic with our abilities and expectations. Trying to do everything at the same time is the perfect recipe for failure.

Thank you so much for the nice post :))

Greetings@ franyeligonzalez I share with you many of the elements of the publication. We must be focused on achieving each goal set and then start with another, otherwise as the saying goes "if we cook several rabbits at once always burn one".

Thank you very much for sharing your publication

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