Another act of RACISM, another act of INJUSTICE!!

in Project HOPE4 years ago (edited)


” The riots over the death of African-American George Floyd at the hands of a white policeman in Minneapolis, Minnesota, are the latest in a long line of incidents that highlight the continuing racial tension in the United States. ” Sourcee

There are many mixed feelings when watching the videos of this sad news, particularly just yesterday I decided to look for and find out what had happened to this man. I cannot believe that because of not wanting to get out of a car and a supposed accusation of wanting to introduce a false ticket into a supermarket this man had to go through such brutality and also lose his life on the way. FOR ME IT'S SOMETHING THAT TELLS ME THAT HUMANITY NEEDS A CHANGE



Today in the 21st century we are still seeing these atrocious acts against people of color, what's the matter? Don't they deserve to live? I'm not usually a person who gets sad about anything or feels like crying about a news story (unless it's from my people in VENEZUELA), but this fills me with a lot of sadness, anger, frustration, indignation, and also a desire to do the same to that cop. *? Of course I know that this is not the attitude to assume.

We cannot fall into the same baseness as that man who, because he thought he was better than the others, took justice into his own hands, and only because he was a black man, because I am sure that if he were **White, he would NOT have passed the same!

I can't imagine how his friends and family must feel, he was a young man with a whole life ahead of him, neither he nor anyone else deserves to die under those conditions.



I can understand what is happening in that city today, the protests and so on, but I honestly do not share the destruction and attacks on people, premises, institutions, and belongings that had nothing to do with what happened. I know that in large part the government of that country is to blame for the fact that acts like these are still happening and surely there are more, that they do not show them is something else, but VANDALISM DOES NOT HAVE TO BE THE OUTPUT!

Yes, I know that's what it does, it brings out all the accumulated anger that we carry inside, and pays for it with whoever, but I think that's not the way, apparently justice will be done and the guilty will pay for what happened. I believe that it is already in the hands of the authorities and the government to prevent injustices like this from continuing to happen, we cannot take justice into our own hands, that is not the right way!



In the United States there has always been this BLACK AND WHITE thing, always a limit, a hierarchy, they have always felt superior to others, what a stupid thing to say, but the reality is that they are far from being the country they boast so much about, supposedly developed, hahaha, which makes me laugh, as people leave a lot to be desired.

They have never cared about the life of a person of COLOR, they have always been despised unless the person has a lot of money, because otherwise, they are nobody and to show a button. Surely if this whole situation had been controlled and had not gone to the media everything would have been silent, as if nothing had happened!

They are experts in hiding information, always at their convenience! Besides, this is not the first time this happens and it will surely continue to happen!


Thank you for reading me!!



 4 years ago 

@tipu curate

Wow, this is really crazy @franyeligonzalez, you know very well what I think about racism and xenophobia.

Seeing this makes me think about how bad society is, not because of the covid, not because of the economic, but because of the lack of humanity...

Yes, I know you totally disagree with all that!

How the black race is treated is extremely terrible, we kill ourselves in pur own country and we still get killed even outside our country, I hope this terrible act comes to an end soon.

I also hope that things will change in the future and many people will stop suffering!

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