My Statistics: Commenting and why it's Important! (Top 7 in LEO)

in Project HOPE4 years ago (edited)

That was an image taken 4 days ago and you can clearly see my stats according to @hivebuzz.


And now that's an image taken today! As you can all my stats increased except of the average author rewards as my content is either bad or hard to found by many people!

And that's the new badge i gained and the main topic for today!


How awesome am i having surpassed 6000 comments? Now as you will see below my main goal is to reach 6500 comments by the end of the year. I won't earn anything doing that, it's just a personal goal for the sake of engagement!


Is Commenting important?

It really depends on your perspective i think even though you can say i am more close-minded regarding that matter. For example, my answer would be definitely yes but allow me to elaborate on that!

To begin with, commenting is part of a social media type of platform and Leo/Hive/Steemit is exactly that, at least for the time being. People make their posts, you can like and comment on them.

Why Content Creators need Comments?

A lot of us when writing our posts, we dedicate a lot of our precious time to do so and we try our best in order to please ourselves and you the community! Personally, i have invested more than 2-3 hours for certain posts that include research and stuff!

The reason i say all of the above is to show you how important is commenting. When i invest all this amount of time to create something, i honestly don't care that much about the rewards.

If you don't believe me check the rewards i get, it's not low but it's definitely not big not even mid-size most of the time and i can even compare them with posts that earn 2-3-4-5 times the amount and it's 100 words of nothing! I know many of you understand what i am talking about!

So when i invest all this amount of time i want 2 things. The first one is for someone to actually read it, or most of it, and secondly to make a meaningful comment!

I believe or want to believe that all the content creators out there deep down want the interaction with the community! It is so awesome to see many and different comments below your posts and slowly starting gaining more and more as well as knowing more and more the ones that keep on commenting!

Also, for me during hard times that i wanted to quit these platforms, when mostly all the people upvoted their friends, nobody did manual curation and the bots ruled, only some comments under my posts gave me the motivation i needed to remain and keep on and i wanna do the same for others!

Comments = Better Community = More Audience = More Money = Better Life

I think it's pretty self-explanatory but to say a few more words if you keep on making meaningful comments, more and more authors will get the motivation they need as well as pleasure! Then bonds will be created and we gonna get stronger as a community in any way.

Word will get about this out there and more people will join in thus leading to more audience, more money and ofc a better life for everyone. That is if only we cast aside those that will try to take advantage of this!

Earning $$ by Commenting

Do you know that you can actually earn by commenting? Let's say that you don't wanna post or generally create content. You can easily make a meaningful comment and the user may reward you with some $$.

See it's actually really simple! Note that there are times that i earned from comments per day more than i earn for one of my posts so imagine the possibilities!

Weekly Goal & Achievement

Finally, 2 weeks ago i had made less than 10 comments something that triggered me somehow. I challenged myself then to be in the top Authors that commented the most, according to @leo.stats

A couple of hours ago the weekly LeoFinanc Stats came out and check below what i managed!


We got a top 11 and i climbed from 10 comments to 134 earning the 7th place. Beware the outsider you all! The following week i wanna remain in this top 11 and who knows we may end up seeing new names in this board like mine! In case you can't clearly see the other authors, they are:

1 @acesontop
2 @taskmaster4450le
3 @josediccus
4 @revise.leo
5 @eddiespino
6 @uyobong
7 The one and only me
8 @hitmeasap
9 @tbnfl4sun
10 @behiver
11 @r1s2g3

My latest Posts

LeoFinance: A small Feature Idea

My Statistics: Communities you may enjoy Posting (Part 2)

CoinGecko Crypto Market & Candies (bonus personal update)

My Statistics: Posts and its Importance (Part 1)

Airbnb IPO & Impact from Covid19

Bitcoin reaching 18k but you should be Careful

or simply click on one of my profiles!

Filotasriza3 (LeoProfile)
Filotasriza3 (HiveProfile)
Filotasriza3 (SteemitProfile)

gifs 1 2 3 4 5 6


"Comments = Better Community = More Audience = More Money = Better Life"

This comment sums it up. Commenting is an integral part of participation and making friends. I myself need to do more of it.

Great post @filotasriza3.


I myself need to do more of it.

I find myself thinking that often! If you checked a bit my post you will see that i made 134 comments like this one, not a "good post" type of comment in Leo. The week before that i made just 10 due to time and demotivation. This week i probably should have 60-70 due to time again! i wanted to make a bunch on steemit as well!

what i am trying to say is that sometimes we may wanna do things but there are things above us that don't let us do exactly what we want to!

thanks for the comment can't upvote it yet due to my low SP though! Also sorry for my late answer!

An enthusiastic content creator can choose engagement over rewards. You only know how good your content is when it gets some engagements. Cool thing seeing people get rewarded for their engagement!

thanks for the comment can't upvote it yet due to my low SP though! Also sorry for my late answer!

Not entirely... i will explain what i mean. First of all i started out of steemit and was in here for over 3 years so i have seen it all! Even if you got good content due to the interface and structure it's really hard for someone to discover your posts!

Also, thanks for the comment can't upvote it yet due to my low SP though! Also sorry for my late answer!

 4 years ago 

Dear @filotasriza3

Quite impressive buddy. Keep up with a great work! :)

Is Commenting important?
It really depends on your perspective

Most people create content because they either care about rewards or about traffic (in that case they want someone to read their posts). Sometimes they care about both.

Assuming that we want to have some audience, which is actually investing time to read our content -> it is crutial to engage in comments with others. We cannot (and shouldn't) ever assume, that others will do for us what we are not ready to do for them.

ps. personally I always found it difficult to read text aligned to the center (the way your post is presented). I figured I may share this feedback with you.

Enjoy upcoming weekend :)
Yours, Piotr

that others will do for us what we are not ready to do for them.

exactly and that principal can be used in life in general!

ps. personally I always found it difficult to read text aligned to the center (the way your post is presented). I figured I may share this feedback with you.

The feedback is always welcomed! the funny thing is that people told me the exact opposite :P It isn't hard to change it though cause as far as it concerns me i don't really care about that format! so some of the next posts i will upload aren't going to be on center!

 4 years ago 

the funny thing is that people told me the exact opposite :P

it surely is funny @filotasriza3 if people told you the exact opposite. I would say that they LIED TO YOU hahaha :))

On a more serious note: if centering would make it easier to read, then all books, business plans, instructions etc -> it all would be centered

Anyway, that's just my own little opinion :)

Cheers buddy

I must say I am really impressed by the hard work you showing forth, this is fantastic. Since I have been using project hope community, it has boost my comment ways. I now love to comment on post which was not same before.

Lastly, welcome to project community dear friend

thanks a lot!! isn't it amazing the happiness and motivation you take for even a single good comment?

Also, thanks for the comment can't upvote it yet due to my low SP though! Also sorry for my late answer!

Hello @filotasriza3
It's a very dynamic post, and you bring up several important issues on the platform.
We know that in general the votes from friends to friends are handled a lot, that is something normal or it has simply become norm-normal.
Commenting is part of what makes you have more traffic in your publications, and I totally agree, beyond a good vote, we also want to be read, it is not logical to invest 2 hours to make a publication and that no one is interested, perhaps in part that is the success of social networks like facebook and instagram, which publish anything and so I like to receive.

No doubt that commenting is very important.
I only get about 50 comments a week, it is impressive to see that there are those who comment in such a way. Congratulations and thanks for posting on Project Hope.

to begin with thanks a lot for your comment! unfortunately, i can't upvote it due to my current stake! I think i have seen you in Leo though in where i have read and commented at least one of your posts (*correct me if i am wrong cause i read too many posts in there)

We know that in general the votes from friends to friends are handled a lot, that is something normal or it has simply become norm-normal.

Regarding this i find it normal in a way but when we talk that we are a community even if you are my friend i won't vote a copy/paste post or one that lacks everything. I am suppose to help you out become better and then support your effort with my upvote!

Hello @filotasriza3
Yes, I have published in leofinance, I write a lot about cryptocurrencies, and blockchain. I've seen you around, that's right.
Some people don't really write things that could be interesting, and copying and pasting is not a good idea, it's a terrible thing actually.

You are have just said it all. Most time people fail to realise the importance commenting has to offer. It helps to create engagement that might have been quite difficult but it make it look achieve able. I value engagement also just as I value rewards and that's what I tried to do by always dropping valuable comments which I to me is quite good also.

I can see your name among the list and I am pretty sure you will be among the top two or even top five soon if you believe in it.

And by the way welcome to the projecthope community. A awesome family. Nice having you and I am looking forward reading more of your post as the day goes by

thanks for the welcoming!!

hopefully if I have time i will manage to get at least for once in the top 5 maybe top 2 who knows! I also have seen you around LEO if i am correct!

thanks for the comment can't upvote it yet due to my low SP though! Also sorry for my late answer!

The same goes for me when I comment too! Not only is if beneficial for everybody to engage with good content to grow the platform but I love interacting with the content creators and other commenters. Comments are an essential part of any good social media community :)

let's find more like us! and build a stronger community

Welcome to the project hope community, feel free to publish relevant content within the community, for us it is always a pleasure to read posts like this one. Greetings

Thanks for the welcoming and your nice words carlos!!!

Greetings friend.

First of all, we welcome you to this great project, Hope.

People like this need this project with enthusiasm and I hope to share more with you

You are doing a great job where you mention several very important points of the platform

Thank you for your great support. Greetings

thanks a lot for your comment, your welcoming and for your nice words!

Undoubtedly comments are very much important and add more engagement on the platform with various authors. Without engagement, creating content is not much fun and when people engage then it gives boost to create more and better content. Engagement is very important part of the platform

exactly!! thanks a lot for commenting!

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