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RE: Things To Avoid In Relationships

in Project HOPE2 years ago

Good post @samminator. I can add one thing, “Learn how to fight.”

Fighting is inevitable in a relationship. Two different personalities, because opposites attract, will have friction sometimes.

And there is no “wise old person” that you can go to for relationship advice, it's just you two. So both of you are going to have to work it out yourselves.

And for God's sake, don't bring family or friends into it. More often than not they will give you terrible advice. Not because they're mean, but because they just don't know the complicated dynamic between you and your partner.

That's what makes good relationships so powerful and so hard sometimes… because the only two people on earth that make it a good relationship is you and your partner… and maybe a little help from God :)


This is an excellent contribution. Thanks a lot for coming around, friend.

Have a blessed day

 2 years ago 

Glad to see that you are still around @fijimermaid :)

Yeah, still here...hehe :)

 2 years ago 

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