How To Achieve Success In A Life ?

in Project HOPE3 years ago


There are many moments in life when people usually think of leaving the struggle for their goal or either changing it as they are facing a lot more difficulty towards gaining them. But the only thing here that matters is how much time a person has given and how much time he is ready to invest in himself. Getting in a hurry will not solve the problem, it'll increase the mind's pressure and depression. Such a kind person won't be able to go anywhere, everything needs time and constant struggle, which will burn one's oil and commitment towards what needs to be done rather than on the negative side of the world.


Struggle and consistency

Nothing comes without struggle, not even for a baby who has to cry for milk. Making the most out of your skills and putting them on the right track will surely bring you towards success, but leaving the tasks, laziness, inconsistency all of these factors needs to be removed if one wants to get somewhere in his. If anyone notices the lifestyle of successful people, they have to work hard, follow a strict schedule, and are too busy for unnecessary activities.
No book can make you get where you want to go; on the contrary, making the mind follow a routine that continuously contributes towards achieving success will do the job. A drop of water, if it falls constantly, can create a hole in the rock. Likewise, if a person is continuously taking steps towards betterment, he won't be disappointed in the end.


Setting a purpose

The first thing is to set your goal because the purpose is essential. If anyone does not know what he is doing or what he wants to achieve, then all of his energies are getting wasted over things that would never work out for him. For starting to work, excellent skills are needed. Without skills, no one could become successful as it is the brain of success; the more it develops, the more it brings fruit. Successful persons are the most skillful persons who have created it by continuous efforts, and now their skills are playing the part for them. Education can make you a respectable person, but skills will make you a successful person. Education without skills is of no worth. For example, an MBBS degree is of no value without practicing as a doctor and learning the skill of treating a patient, as it can not bring money for anyone.


Investing time in learning

Those people who got success have invested their time in those things which are bringing success towards them automatically. Like Leonardo Da Vince once sketched a lady in 32 seconds, and it was sold out in millions; Leonardo said he had invested 32 years of his life in making himself such skillful that whatever he draws in seconds is worth millions. So, if anyone wants to be successful, he has to learn the skill and should work continuously without skipping the work for the sake of procrastination.


Time is very important in life and as the saying goes "time is constant changing" there are some time in life you need to be very active and very focus to set some goal and purpose in life and trust me when you invite Procrastinating you miss the chance to your destination.
Thank you for sharing.

Yes you're right we should manage our time and set goals

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