Major Reasons for Starting a Business: It all Reflects in the Business Setting

in Project HOPE4 years ago

As much as we have so many small businesses springing up every day, walking into each of this shops comes with their own difference, the way we are being addressed, the price of the product as well as the aura of the sales representative makes a lot of difference when we walk in and by then we will be able to clearly understand what the business stands for and what they stand against.


The difference in the operation of these business is clearly based on the reason the owner started the business and there are different reasons why people go into business but all of this reasons can be categorized into two:

People may go into business because of the profit.
People go into business because of the love for the business.

These two reasons are clearly displayed in the attitude of the business owners who then passes on the discipline to the employees and the attitude is seen displayed through the employees from time to time.

The attitude of those who go into business for the profit.

It is not difficult to identify people who are into business majorly for the profit they will be able to generate from it, they have a type of nasty attitude towards those who are not buying or those who are not buying up to expectation, they only reserve their respect for customers who regularly buy from them and buy well.

If you walk into the shop of a business solely meant for profit, there is a clear difference in attitude and there is no room for window shopping, some of the items might not even be arranged properly and the business place might look scattered and unkempt. This business owner do not stick to a particular item, they want to go into every sector. They are into food today, they divert into clothing and accessories tomorrow and that keeps happening every time they notice a new venture that has large profit to offer.

The attitude of those who go into business for the love of the business.

But reverse is the case for people who go into business for the love of it, you get a different feeling from the moment you walk through the door, starting from a welcoming receptionist and the way everything look neat and organized, every customer is treated alike either you are there for window hopping or you are there to buy one toothpaste, you might even be there just to ask for direction, the owner and employees are lovely, they understand the fact that everyone is a potential customer and is treated as such. This business sticks to a particular sales habit, regularly improving the pattern of the business.

So before you start your own business, you should ask yourself if you are going in for the profit or you are going in for the love of the business. If you are going in for the profit, you may just have a re-think and look in another direction but if you are going into it for the love of the business, you are still on the good side and I wish you all the best there.


I talked about this on my post some weeks back. When you see a person that is in for a business because of the love he/she has for the business, you can easily tell.

Nice post

It is always obvious, thanks for reading.

and this is a way to see which companies are concerned for your customers, and know which products they are really lovingly made and offer great added value to your customers, great and concise publication.

Companies that want to add value show it through their attitude, thanks for reading.

Sometimes I wonder which right mindset should one have when heading to start a business. Is it for the profit or because of the love for the business?

It certainly should be for the love, the reason is clearly stated above. The love for the business will keep the business running and progressing.

The truth is that there must be a balance, you must have love for your business but also worry about making a profit, because if you are not going to make a profit you are losing your capital, so I think that would not be the best option, wanting the business does not mean that you do not want to generate good income, the two things go hand in hand, customers come first and should be treated as such but worrying about sales and income is also valid.

Definitely, profit should never be an exception. It would not be really cool to sit all day with your business and make no sales at all, thanks for reading.

I can relate with these experiences and personally what I do when I see something like this is that, I choose not to go back to those stores that are not welcoming.

Same here friend, thanks for reading.

I agree with you, it is very easy to spot someone who loves a business and one who just wants to take advantage of the system.

Their attitude displays frustration and that is not the type of environment one wants to stay at all.

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