Having a high college degree and still broke? You have to read this

in Project HOPE4 years ago

In my country, I see a lot of broke bike riders boast about their degree and college qualification, they go on to blame the bad leadership for their predicament and even try to discourage young people from pursuing their educational dreams. I understand that going to school is not the password to being wealthy but most poor parents sell all their properties, get into huge debts just to make sure their kids go to school with the mind-set that after graduation their children will get a very good paying job that will improve their standard of living but this is not usually the case as the children are barely able to even feed themselves talk more of taking care of their parents.


Reasons why people obtain high educational qualities and remain broke.

Schools do not give financial education, the school system is designed to provide us with adequate knowledge about our profession and never about money and because we do not have any knowledge on money management, it is easy to lose all the money made from our profession and even return to a level of square one faster than we think. So people who have good degrees go broke because the school does not teach anyone about money management or financial education.

This problem can be solved by gaining knowledge about finance through financial books, listening to audios or even watching videos that gives us a detailed description on how to properly utilize our finances.

Education is beyond the certificates we get and this is one thing that most school graduates do not understand, a lot of people belief that after getting their degrees there is no need for book reading or obtaining knowledge and that is a wrong mentality that keeps them broke. There is a difference between professional knowledge and the knowledge we obtain to live a good life.


Our decision to obtain a good life lies in our decision to gain extra knowledge, as we wake up every day this knowledge will open our eyes to the ways we can obtain value and even grow our finances as well as opportunities to obtain wealth.

People who brag about their academic status only know how to do one thing: that is how to get employed, so there is a problem when there is no job forthcoming, they do not know how to use their minds to create something good. This idea is a very terrible one that keeps educated people poor and instead of looking for an alternative, they sit at home all day blaming the government for not providing good jobs for educated people.

Getting high degrees usually make a lot of people proud, they get so proud and they see every other person who has not gotten much educational knowledge like them as been totally useless, this way they are unable to learn from the younger generation and they keep getting more broke.

The way to solve this issue, is for every educated person to learn the act of humility and carefully understand the need to gain knowledge from other people either educated or uneducated.

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Further Reading

business insider


@eni-ola their are many other factors also like meltdown , ression, no good opening. Inspite having good degree also we cannot get good job for us.

The reality of the world we live in is not a fair one but we must learn to survive, thanks for reading friend.

mostly a matter of mentality, the belief of thinking that you cannot progress if you don't You have a university degree. In my case, being self-taught has worked well for the last 40 years ...

The funny part is the way those with high college degrees look down on those who have none.

My family members believe strongly that you need to acquire a very high educational qualification before you are given the right to make any contribution whatsoever.

Most families have that mindset especially the highly educated ones, thanks for visiting.

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