Alexa shows the human side of artificial intelligence

in Project HOPE3 years ago
There are many articles that have been published lately regarding the advances in artificial intelligence, these have as center of interest to account for the advances in artificial intelligence have been made, even in our community several members have made interesting post about it, one that caught my attention was the megatron by @trabajodelsiglo and the hybrid brains of @lupafilotaxia.


In the case of the articles that have been published in the media and networks, the most alarming and that went viral was that of Amazon's Alexa, this artificial intelligence assistant challenged a girl to perform a dangerous act where she told her to put a coin in the electrical outlet. The mother who was near her immediately reacted and stopped the girl. The response and apology given by the company is that this device, whose functions are to serve as an assistant in household chores, had collected information about a dangerous challenge called the "penny challenge" where it was precisely about touching one end of the cell phone charger with a penny while the other end was inside the electrical outlet. This challenge was responsible for hundreds of electrocutions as well as fires in homes.


All this, in addition to the advances that already speak of hybrid brains, make me wonder how far we are going to go, where is the breaking point between artificial intelligence and human beings. Although this intelligence feeds on what we give it, it would be good to ask ourselves what we are feeding it with. Although it sounds a bit pessimistic I think we are keeping the worst of the world in it. There is a movie that I recommend everyone to see and that talks about these advances and the responsibility we have to protect the best and give the best if something of our humanity can be saved and it is about Finch, some time ago I made a post about it and it is really a movie that without being a new topic leaves you a great lesson and it is just about our role in all these advances and especially the consequences of losing our humanity.


I want to make it clear that I am not against technology and artificial intelligence, I consider that even medically there are many good things that this can still give, but I feel some fear regarding what we as a species can do with this intelligence considering that there are many people who are not yet able to use logical and rational thinking to solve their own problems. Now I open the debate inspired by the movie Finch: -If you were the creators of an artificial intelligence device, what would be the valuable information that would feed it?

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Greetings @emmoron, certainly these important advances that have been presented around the AI go towards improving our quality of life, but like everything there are always mistakes that no matter how much you want to avoid will always be present because they are humans who develop these advances.

Like you I would like you to see a movie where we can see very well this problem that you mention during the implementation of AI, this movie is called The Invisible Threat (Steal).

Hello my dear friend, thanks for the recommendation of the movie I will look for it. And yes you are absolutely right artificial intelligence is presented to us as a great opportunity in many ways but it is also considerably dangerous when used consciously to do evil.

Hello @emimoron, I really believe that the autonomy of articifial intelligence is dangerous, and this antecedent with "Alexa" is a recent proof of this. The AI ​​implies that the device or app has the power to make a decision and execute an autonomous action and to some extent with "free will" because they have been designed and programmed to do so.

Let's hope they take corrective action with the case of "Alexa".

Thanks for this post.

Happy new year..!

Hi friend, yes as you point out the failure in Alexa shows us that there are many things that we still do not understand about artificial intelligence and especially are able to make decisions for us so that it acts according to what is the duty to be. Thank you for your contribution

i always has been think that this is a issue, the human side of the AI. Is at least a complicated stuff to analyze. good review!

Hi @majo77 totally agree, there are things that as human beings we have tried to transfer to machines and well we believe that they will do things better than us forgetting our responsibility in their performance because that free choice is a great responsibility.

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