Luck or attitude?

in Project HOPE4 years ago
Recently when I met a friend, as is common when greeting, I asked him how he was, to which he responded with a series of unfortunate events; that his life was a disaster, that the car was not functioning, that the money was not enough, he had health problems, that he was separating from his wife and also many problems with the neighbors. And when he wanted to know about me, I answered that I was very well, it seems that because of my short list of things to I complain, he concluded: you are lucky.


But is it luck or is it attitude?

If you think that your life is a disaster, that you are very ugly and you will not find a partner, that when you go out there is always bad weather, that you hate your job, that it seems that you are the only one who does not get a good place to park the vehicle; well yes, it seems that you are not lucky, but you are not lucky because of your negative attitude.

The world is as it is, has sadness and joy, you are responsible for seeking as many happy moments, to exalt everything that is worth a sacrifice, and dismiss or leave aside everything that will not bring anything good or that took the illusion of your day.

We all have problems, once talking to a psychologist friend told me, the problems also give meaning to our lives, the desire to overcome them gives us a purpose, that life itself involves solving problems.

The one that is sad is because it always moves within the sadness, every minute, every day. But the one who always smiles at the world, and embraces it with good and bad, is happy, and the world welcomes him with enthusiasm. When my friend asked me how I was coping with the economic situation, I told him that I was writing in a blog (I didn't go into detail about steemit), that my wife was a good pastry chef and I was distributing her products among several shops; and he insisted again, how lucky you are to have a wife who knows how to cook.

And yes, it is luck, but luck is not something that falls from the sky, it is built every day. When I decided to get married, it was because besides the physical taste and the things in common, I felt that I had found a person who would help me in the difficulties. It's not easy to be a salesman, for every business that receives you, two or three have told you no, but you keep going, reviewing and improving the product and your way of making customers.

The good harvest does not come by itself, you have to choose the seed and cultivate it, something that is done every day. If you think it's like the lottery, and it will come with minimal effort, maybe that's why you have bad luck and will continue to have it.

Good luck has to be built, positive thinking has to be maintained, that if something didn't result today, it will be better tomorrow, or is that it must be changed; sometimes we cling to follow a path that has already proven to lead nowhere and that only stops us from going for better things.


Good luck is an individual power that we all possess, those who think it is only chance are those who just sit back and wait for something good to happen to them, and watch with bitterness that something good happens to others. Our good luck is born from our thoughts, from our attitude and predisposition towards life, and is reflected in the actions we take, since it does not matter how much knowledge or skills you possess if you have a bad attitude.

Well friends, I hope you build your own luck and do not leave it in the hands of fate, nor that many out there minimize their capabilities by telling them that they have only been lucky, as if it had not required work.

Thanks for reading me, I hope you liked the post. See you next time!


Muy cierto cuando mencionas que uno es “responsable de buscar tantos momentos felices, exaltar todo lo que vale un sacrificio, y descartar o dejar de lado todo lo que no traerá nada bueno o que tomó la ilusión de su vida”. Mientras una se incline en los mensajes positivos es difícil que en la vida todo le salga mal.

Así es estimado @oresteg, mientras tratemos de inclinar la balanza hacia los mensajes positivos no podremos decir que nos va mal. Gracias por pasar a leer y dejar tu comentario, saludos!

A la orden siempre

I think it is a bit of both to be honest. You have to put your best foot forward and then hope for the best afterwards.

Exactly, my friend, as you say, putting our side first and hoping for the best, that's having faith that everything will work out, it's a positive attitude.

To me, I don't really believe of luck existence. Well I might be wrong as everybody has his own opinion. But I believe sometimes life offers good and bad just the help of God to provide the good and overcome the bad. When the good is provided, it is sometimes called luck but when the bad overpowered someone's life, it is called disaster

Certainly it depends a lot on the opinion of each person, but it is definitely true that life offers you good and bad, the first is to enjoy and the second to make us stronger, the important thing is to accept that life comes with both and seek happiness in both.

Staying positive makes everything around us appear to be good, when people see us glowing they think everything is going perfectly well for us.

Do you know that those that always have something to complain about do so because they are expecting some sort of favour from you? It is better to have a positive spirit and a strong will power all the time to stand against every odd.

That's right my friend. The idea is to stay positive and not let others take away that light from us, that if they don't come because they want something from us maybe they just want to tarnish our plans. Greetings and thank you for sharing your opinion

To back up your point, I once meet a lady who had the type of attitude you described, she believes that she has to always wear a long face so that she will find a suitor who will help with her responsibility.

There are many people like that, they use their long face and their thousand problems to approach someone and then get something out of them. Thank you for proving the point with your comment.

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