The Credit Card Debt and Customers
Credit cards, the biggest way to spend unbudgeted funds and few thing you do not need. A One thing a lot of us like to do is spend the money we do not have in form of debt and this particular hubby is satisfied by the banks and other financial institutions in the business of giving out credits to citizens. Credit cards is about spending debts and this debts are paid back at the end of the month at a very high percentage. With credit cards, instead of being able to purchase with paper money, it is easier to just owe debts and let the debt help you increase your spending while increasing your credit if you pay early.
It is no news that the government has been implementing cashless policies to citizens and with that, when people try to get the funds they do not own, the best option for them is credit card. The card is reliable, and customers are made to spend their future money today. A lot of people that spend money using credit cards, spend it on what they don’t need maybe because they want cashback or points for spending the money at a particular time.
Another thing about using credit cards is that the financial institution sends you the transaction details and charge as emails and most of the people using the credit card do not check their email. Also, the interest on using credit cards is very high and people try not to pay late but most times, they end up paying late and then the interest starts to increase the longer it takes to pay your credit.
There is really no use case for credit cards in my country yet and I am thankful for but there is an availability for loan apps which happens instantly but the profit rate is really crazy as well.