Persistence Is An Attached Key To Greatness.

in Project HOPE3 years ago

Making your mark in the world is hard, if it were easy everyone will do it, it takes patience and commitment and it comes to plenty of problems along the way. Barak Obama.

There is a strong desire by everyone to become successful, the desire for success however by everyone is not backed up with actions to make the desired success accomplished and that is why it is only a little percentage of people who get to hit the mark of success eventually. The road to building a good and successful life has never been easy, it is rough, tough and it requires lots and lots of dedication to get it to work.

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Failure is a constant thing to happen to anyone who is moving towards the path of success, it has always been a rough road that demands huge sacrifice but the secret to smiling at the end of the day is by pushing very hard and struggling through every difficult situations until you finally achieve what you want.

Imagine that the road to success is simple and short, no one will be unsuccessful because we will have thousands of people who find it extremely convenient to walk through the process of getting things done but since it is difficult for us to get things that fast, then it means it is only a certain percentage of humans who will be willing to pay the price for success and it is only the people who are willing to pay the price that will get things done eventually.

The blame game is convenient for people who try something good and fail at it, they try to do something and then it doesn’t end the way they want, so they simply fold their arms and look for someone to blame for their predicaments, those who achieve success know better than blaming the government or their parents for the bad situations that they find themselves in, instead they take it upon themselves to realize where the mistake is coming from and then work on correcting the mistakes.

There is nothing that can take the place of being persistent and being determined, if we want success very much then we need to be ready to give in the energy and zeal that it takes to make things work out. Being persistent eventually turns out to give a really great result at the end. Focus, persistence and determination is what makes success attainable eventually.


Hello @elity-sitio
I think everyone wants to be successful, but few, very few want to make sacrifice the to achieve the goals.
I agree with what you say, every road to success is full of some failures, we are not all trained or educated to tolerate failure, even when it is something that is within the possibilities when we start any project.

nice post ...i just followed you

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