The Dream

in Project HOPE3 years ago

I've had my plate full recently, the 24 hrs given didn't seem to be enough. Every mental strategy seemed to just weaken me by the minute. It seemed too much, the work and every single thing I had to do.

Deadlines that needed to be met, friends I was supposed to reach out to but haven't in a while; everything seemed to be overwhelming.

Then I recalled I had read somewhere, something about "writing".

I stood up, got a pen and began listing everything in my head that wanted to choke me.

Every single thing that needed to be done, from the most important to the least; I pulled out some contacts on my phone, wrote the names of the people I will have to reach out to.

After that little exercise, I stared at the "somewhat" problem on paper - the tiny wobbly scribbles. And they were right there staring right back at me.

I had brought them out from my head and I could see them.
In minutes, everything was figured out. I could breathe in and relax.

Now, there is a reason your goals and dreams should be written on paper. A reason you are constantly asked to give them deadlines, allocate time and put them in order of priority.


It is simple. You see them, you can literally touch them. They are on paper, looking back at you. As you read them again and again, it sinks in, to your brain and your mind. It becomes real.

You are propelled into action, those things written down make you stand up from your bed when you feel like sleeping a little bit longer.

Those dreams, become the fuel that gets you pumped up as you go about your business.
Now it is a different thing altogether when it is just in your head.

Whether it is a dream, a goal that needs to be achieved or an overwhelming issue. Put it down on paper. You will find out it is not as difficult as it seems.


Greetings @ekeminimbang

This is why you should never Underestimate the Power of writing or jotting down information sometime because you can never forget whatever you write down.

Thanks for sharing this great post with love from @hardaeborla and and I hope you have a great day ahead ❤️💕❤️

Greetings @hardaeborla
Thank you for your kind comments

It is one of the techniques to stimulate and to be able to feel what you want and to achieve it you give that push by means of that paper.
excellent analogy.

Thank you very much

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