Function of your Purpose

in Project HOPE3 years ago

Some of us are too hung up on achieving a goal, so that;

  • our uncles or that relative will see that we turned out good and will come apologising for treating us wrong.

  • our exes in our past relationships will regret leaving us.

  • people will see and learn to value us. Etc

This reasons and more make some people pursue a certain goal, and want to be successful by all means in order to "prove" a point.

The thing is, if we do this, so that people will see, so that they will know; it means our goals are not really ours, but for others.

We will come to realise that we cannot live our best lives.

And you know what? It is a thing of the mind; the lie we have come to accept that since they say we are up to no good, we have to strive to rise above that status quo. We have to show them.

So we dive straight into the "movie scene" and we begin playing a script, righting a wrong when there was none to begin with in the first place.

You have to realize that when you were created, there was potential embedded in you. It is an innate ability for you to make wealth and to be a great person. You just have to know how to unleash that ability in you.

That you are treated wrongly or have been rejected, does not mean you are less or do not have anything to offer. It doesn't take away your gifts, talent, ability or beauty.

Rather, this and many more should be a reminder that you are made for more, and that you are enough and are worthy of every good thing in life.

And that you have it in you to be able to change your present state so that you do not have a repeat of what is happening to you now in the future.

That your ex left you, shouldn't be a reason of doing something so that they would see; that alone shows you're not completely healed, and that they still have a hold on my you.

That relative's misdoings to you should not be what drives you.

Learn to let go, heal, and move on. Grow, make progress and positive impacts. Your goals should be a function of your purpose and not a point to be proven.


It really cost me something to understand but I think your idea is to be able to overcome ourselves despite what other people do and affect us, each experience we live is unique and this should bring us a minimum of teaching so that the pain or whatever happens to us has been worth it.
thank you for sharing it.

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