Focus on your focus.

in Project HOPE5 years ago

Focusing on one's focus is not something many can do given the very many distractions that comes in the form of multi tasking and being versatile in different fields.

The killer to productivity is distraction which poses itself as a form of hardwork.
Because the human mind is often programmed to feel it is able to get things done with little or no effort, it becomes a burden to itself because it will keep waiting for something to happen out of nothing.


Being a multi tasker is no easy word and more easy to gain is the distraction that comes from usually pursuing too many things at once.

When a man sets out to hunt, he should focus on chashing a rabbit even if he sees 4 running around.
Chasing one of 4 rabbits is the best thing to do because he can be sure of catching just that one rather than chasing all 4 at once.

Following a path is similar to living your dream. Because the road is divided I to 4 parts doesn't mean you have to walk on all 4 at once, (impossible if you even think to try.)

Successful people aren't usually know to be the best at everything but the best at that one thing they are known to do.
The almost successful are usually well versed in the art of doing too many tings at once.

Jack of all trades...

Learn what it takes to focus and focus on that focus as you see it. Do not allow the need for the little trickles of sweetness now force you to seek too many paths.
Walk a path and you will be able to get to your destination planned.

With the rising tides of people living a rat raced styled lifestyle, it is just easy to have them loose focus.

Be focused on your focus when you find it. It may take sometime, but it surely will come together at the end to make you happy.

Make the world a better place for someone today!

 5 years ago 

Hi @ejemai

I was wondering if you posted this article on project.hope by mistake? Our HIVE is related to topics like technology, AI, blockchain, economy, business, marketing etc.

Your post unfortunatelly doesn't fit our interests :(

Cheers, Piotr

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