What doing what is best for you would look like

in Project HOPE3 years ago


Last weekend I hit rock bottom...Rock bottom is a good place to build a foundation. Don't ever forget that.

It is actually boring life when you think about it, especially on the weekdays when you are supposed to already be overworked. But the rules of the game are simple. You wake up, dress your bed, read a few posts, leave a thoughtful comment, you post, you exercise...you watch the news while you exercise and prepare breakfast, you go to work...call your girlfriend on your way to work or at least send a VN. You go to work, you work your ass off, don't forget to find time to leave comments and play Splinterlands. You get done and prepare to go to a place to read where you read for your exams after work.

I try to behave like I am someone I actually care about...If I don't do these things daily now, things will fall apart I worked hard to build. I'm sacrificing sleep. I need to, I will get some sleep back on some weekends when I am not on duty.

So I prepare myself for work the way my mom would prepare me for school when I was a kid. Brush your teeth, brush your hair, wear a smile...everything will be alright, Don't forget your assignments. You didn't arrange the room, try and do it before you go out.

When I get home from work, I have the Ebingo from the past to thank for some of the things I will enjoy. If future Ebingo is going to enjoy the things I am enjoying now...I will have to change things now.

You have to get up and move always. As of writing this, it is 5:58 am. It was the plan...it has been the plan for a while now.

I haven't found one thing to sacrifice...I only found that I had been sleeping on my ass...even when I thought I was working hard.

Last weekend felt like I hit rock bottom. I didn't even have clothes for work. I had not done my laundry, I had not cooked for the week and the week was fast approaching. I had to pick up everything. If it matters you will pick it up.

Last weekend I hit rock bottom...Rock bottom is a good place to build a foundation. Don't ever forget that. Les Brown said that.


Hello @ebingo!
I think it is very possible that we go through days like this, where everything gets messed up and we do not see the way out very clear. However, we must always try to keep them up and look for ways to get up, as long as we have life and health we will always have opportunities to do many things and enjoy. Thanks for sharing, greetings!

Thanks for the words of advice...I'll keep up with life

Friend @ebingo sometimes happens to all of us, that "hitting bottom" thing, it is those moments that allow us to make a sincere criticism of what and how we are doing things, if we are doing well or not and from those reflections is where , generally, our deepest changes originate.

Thank you very much for sharing with us such profound meditations on your life, greetings.

Thank you for reading my work..things are looking better now

Hello @ebingo

I respect your position, but I find it hard to understand better said to act under this premise of behaving as if I were someone I really care about, I think we are important, therefore, it is not a matter of behaving is a truth and we should assume it.

Best regards, be well.

Studies have found that people are more likely take loved ones to the hospital and have them take their medications than follow the same actions for themselves.

It makes a case that we care more for others than ourselves sometimes

Greetings @ ebingo
Life is very complex and practical at the same time, no doubt it is full of effort, dedication, hard work, but also satisfactions. The teachings at home make it easier to be out of it, otherwise I assure you that it would be more difficult.

Hitting bottom allows you to see life from another perspective to adjust some things that are not working, and as you say it is the beginning of a new moment.

Thank you very much for sharing your publication

Thanks for commenting. I'm glad you could connect with it

Hi @ebingo Getting to the bottom will help you to push yourself up to the surface with more strength, good publication thanks

For the past weeks my life as been program like yours the only difference is that I stop all social media including steemit just for my professional exam I have waited for five years to be able to write it just as you sacrifice your sleep for the future I have to sacrifice my addict ( social media and steemit ) just for the future. It is necessary and important sometimes.

So true...I'm glad you're back.

Medical student I presume?

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