Using Blockchain to improve HIV treatment out come?

in Project HOPE3 years ago


In Kenya currently, there is ongoing work to see if incentivizing every step of treatment among the HIV population and the health care workers who care for the population can improve treatment outcomes.

Kenya has a big population of people living with HIV, well generally speaking Africa does.

I really don't know how to feel about this. On one hand, this might be a good thing and it is a welcomed development, on the other hand, I have seen another project similar to this not fly.

The other project

I have been a member of Mediblocks for a very long time (say 5 years). I was trying to work on having my university be part of the project.

Their mission was to incentivize research among the health workers and those who participate in the research.

It has been a while I received their newsletter on my email from them and I am steady wondering what has happened with the project.

In Kenya

This project happening in Kenya includes handing NFTs to the population that participates in the program. The NFT is supposed to be some sort of ID and when forms are properly filled out by health workers they are supposed to receive the crypto.

My problem

Will it work? There are so many projects here and there that attempt to do things like this.

Even @exhuast here on Hive at its infancy is doing better than many of them out there. I hope to see it work and make the impact it was meant to but I don't feel it will.

Like for instance, who, other than the people within the program will benefit from owning the currency used for payment.

If it is another already existing cryptocurrency, how do they purchase a significant amount? Hive can provide a good base to grow such a project. If there could be a protected version of the blogging we already do to be used as a form it would sort out this issue.

A lot of questions have to be answered.

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