Not Able keep track of my money (I am a millionaire in my country)

in Project HOPE3 years ago


Yesterday, I was talking to my sister about how I had a goal of having $2,000 by the end of this year and now I have decimated it. I am probably heading towards $3,000 right now. According to google N1,000,000 is worth $2,440.

The real goal was to be a millionaire in Naira, who would have thought that that would turn out to be too much of a mediocre goal for Splinterlands.

The cards I bought on Splinterlands after following @bulldog1205 advice on Youtube have blown up. To think I didn't buy all of the cards he suggested.

The weird thing is I am subscribed to him on Youtube and I'm just about to follow him here on Hive.

If you take out time to read this @bulldog1205 I want you to know I am a big fan.

He made videos on cards to buy on a budget. The budget would be something like $50...Beautiful...try buying them now...

My cards were worth $200 a few days after buying a few on his suggestion list. I check 3 days back and it was worth more than $1,500. Yesterday It was worth more than $1,700. I was worth $1,200 when my cards were worth $200...Do the maths.

I feel like not going to work today and when my boss (the attendant) calls I'll tell him to eat shit. But I'll still show up...not because I am starting to enjoy working, I even took my laptop to work yesterday. It was nice working at

At this rate, I will need new goals for next year. I will need to build my portfolio up to $8,000...why not?

My salary for the year was supposed to be a little above $4,000. If I can make that much then I can look into migrating to the United Kingdom with or without these exams I am currently preparing for.

Reading was so hard yesterday...not so, so hard...just hard, after all, I have been reading here on hive... it's just that I am reading for something that will take my money...But I will end up in a better place.

Have a lovely week Ya'll.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Hello @ebingo
I congratulate you on that good investment, you sure were able to get into the game at a very good time and buy those cards.
The games are becoming more and more attractive to many, and the profit margins are excellent.

Yeah, It was such a timely investment. My brother had been encouraging me to join splinterlands for the longest time...Glad I finally did

These stories pleases the ears! congrats...millionaire!

Thanks for celebrating my win...more millions to you too

 3 years ago 

Dear @ebingo

Such an interesting choice of topic. Subjects related to economy, blockchain and crypto are one of my favourite ones.
(upvote on the way :)

The real goal was to be a millionaire in Naira

So you've become a "millionaire" thanks to Splinterlands? Who would think that this game will do so well.

My salary for the year was supposed to be a little above $4,000.

Omg. 4k per year? That's around 330 usd a month. Can you have a decent life in Nigeria with those kind of money?

Stay safe and have a great monday :)
Cheers, Piotr

Its a very nice game I have to say...and with DEC increasing its price were on our way to the moon.

Yeah and the salary for Doctors is quite a comfortable one.

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