Modern day Witch hunting and Mob action

in Project HOPE3 years ago


A lot has been said about group mentality and the effects of such thinking. There are people making headlines for organizing a boycott against a certain Netflix special.

A special that was intended to be a comedy and is just a story being told in a funny way. The members of the community in question are the transgender community and their action is against the Netflix special The Closer by Dave Chapelle.

I have a problem with people using their free speech to say a person is not supposed to speak freely. Dave's special touches topics that only prove the agitators did not pay attention to what he was talking about.

This is the second time I am writing about the special. Today I am discussing the mentality of the agitators. These are people that did not take their time to listen to what he had to say.

When He said that he has no ill intention towards the community, he meant it. He also talked about his friend he lost in the process of this fight.

If they could take out their time and try to understand that he doesn't consider them not human, in fact, including them in his special meant he saw them as part of the global community.

In his show, he made fun of Jewish people but no one is coming after him for that because the people on that side seem to get it.

Your Torches people!

All you have to be is offended to be taken importantly in today's day and age. That is a low bar don't you think? The fuel for the fire seems to be offense...the torch sticks are the members of the group you speak against.

People say his jokes are killing people...Are they? Really? So a murderer would listen to some Dave Chapelle comedy and immediately go and kill someone. Or the person has to be sick first or in the habit of killing people.

People have every right to dislike whatever they want to dislike but to make sure that no one listens to it is absurd. Especially in this same society where we encourage highly sexual music videos and movies being sent out to the general public for consumption.

Comedy I don't like

I don't like Big Mouth, there I said it. It sexualizes teenagers too much for me. I agree that I might have been thinking like that as a teenager but I never encouraged myself to do so when I was and all the jokes are funny to me but not when you factor in the age of the animated characters.

This to me is more offensive than transgender jokes. I think it can encourage pedophiles and the likes...but is there a boycott for my views? Of course not.

I guess it's because I am into animating these days but it hits differently from the way it did before.

What's left?

I feel if you join collective thinking without doing any research for yourself you are very lazy and you probably shouldn't talk for your own good.

But I talk sometimes, so this is also a post advising myself to shut up sometimes. But I will happily take criticism whenever I am wrong.

Thanks for stopping by!!



Hi @ebingo

"The members of the community in question are the transgender community and their action is against the Netflix", it is better to leave only what you have commented comedic type than to leave my point lol.

Best regards, be well.

Lol...I really don't know what to say

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