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RE: Binance under attack by the Nigerian state?

in Project HOPE2 months ago

dear friend, even if you´re not in that country you got your eyes wide open and you have good analytic skills, so don´t worry that you don´t get it right.
Let me tell you about the situation in Germany, Spain, UK, Cyprus and the United States, in every of this countries there is the same going on, the try to block all efforts to bring the crypto-currencies but on the forefront BTC to the people because they know that it´s the dead of their Fiat-System, they will lose controll over their citizens and their money, that money what they are relying on, what they need to survive without the Fiatmoney there is no future for them most of them not even have a degree in economics, math, engineering or physics they are just people who where promoted form others in charge with power to do what they all like live a glorious life with taxpayers money without having much to work for and at least if they fail with some of their stupid ideas they even don´t have to pay the price like every normal citizen (or businessman) for their faults.
They construct new laws to secure their "business" and just to survive a few years more without having to think about where the money is comming from of which they are living, its crazy they don´t care about their citizen who voted for them.
We lost money in Cyprus in a political experiment from the IMF the first Bail-in in Europe the blueprint for the future, we can´t deal with crypto over there anymore, in Spain in our other companies its also very complicate and its getting worse ever month, in my former home in UK they try to stop us from buying crypto, holding it in business-accounts, and what´s going on in the US where large parts of my family live -everybody can read and see what they try to push out of the congress- so this isn´t an isolated issue far not.

Our European government demands on other free countries in the Caribic Sea that they have to stop their passport programs fro foreigners because they can´t compete with their low or no taxrates for foreign income and some times also for inland income from passport holders, did that seem to be a fair politic to you, to me not, this is much more dictatorship than most of the from these guys so called non democratic countries who not squeeze out their citizens like a ripe lemmon.
I´ve seen this now for more than 35 years in my business life in Europe and its getting worse every year, they lose ground politically, economically and in humanity for sure too, its a shame !


Thank you very much for your valuable comment, I really appreciate your opinion and that you have shared your vision.
Unfortunately there are still people who only believe in states and banks, but they put aside cryptocurrencies, decentralization, and many other things that BTC brought to the world stage for discussion, but they not only try to silence the exchanges , but they also silence the media if they even think of making any insinuation about the situation.

But what I believe is that the entire system will end up collapsing at some point, the great problem of debt, increasingly evident, is unsustainable.
Again, thank you for your valuable comment.

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