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RE: My Thoughts about Hive & Steemit

in Project HOPE4 years ago

Hello Juan!

I'll leave #steem behind. I've powered down just now and I will remove all delegations and power these sp down as well.

I'm not sure if I will sell my steem right away or if I'll hold it for a while. Steem has become an empty hull to me. Let Justin and his colluders do with it what they want.

I hope I see you all over at #hive!

Hive on!


 4 years ago 

You have made a radical decision.
I am personally concerned about the effects this would have on Project Hope at Steemit. If our delegators leave, we will be left without voting power.

We will see each other in Hive, surely we will.

Hello Juan,

I'm sorry but I cannot further support this now completely centralized blockchain.

It's a question of principle for me. I'm sure that project.hope will be, maybe even more as here, successful in #hive.

Steem was a great home with a wonderful community and fantastic content. But it was flawed from the start with many vulnerabilities which in the end lead to the downfall of this blockchain. The "don't trust verify" is one of the things that wasn't possible with the massive ninja mined amount of steem. The "trust" many had in Ned for instance was shamelessly betrayed in this #SteemHostileTakeover.

A hurtful lesson we all had to learn!

This, the community reaction and solidarity as well as the birth of #hive are some good things that came out of this!

The "crypto history textbooks" became an additional chapter!

On the other hand... not sooo surprising that someone like Justin comes along to exploit the f*** out of steem with Ned - who made a shady impression on me on different occasions/interactions - and the colluding exchanges.

This group of people made big moves up on my personal asshole list, that's for sure.

But it's business and one thing that I learned early on in my IT security career... everything that is possibly exploitable will be exploited. It's as simple as that.

Cheers and more importantly I hope that you and your loved ones can stay safe and healthy! Please take care of yourself and your loved ones!


PS: This reply also is one of my last comments/replies I'm writing on here. As I said before, I'm on #hive now!

 4 years ago 

Thank you for taking the time to give me this kind response.

I could feel your disgust for the current reality of steemit. I totally understand you.

I am fully convinced that this situation can only be interpreted as a rainbow of new opportunities for all of us.

I appreciate you dear friend.
Follow us on Hive. We will wait for you.

 4 years ago 

Are you okey @doifeellucky?

Didn't see you posting in quite a long while. Hope you're okey there buddy

 4 years ago 

see you on the other side ? :P

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