OLED Panels, the new technological advances of the "LG Corporation".

in Project HOPE3 years ago
Written by:Diomer Antonio Galán Rincón.
Bachelor's Degree.Public Accounting / MSc.Science of Higher Education.

Author: @dgalan,through Power Point 2010 tool, and using public domain image ticestudios.blogspot.com

Technology never ceases to surprise us as the days go by, and at this time it was the Korean Corporation "LG", who put to the test its new, innovative and cutting-edge technology with the manufacture of its new model of OLED televisions, which is based on pixels.

This new TV was tested in the scenario of the firefly sanctuary of Nanacamilpa, Tlaxcala, Mexico, one of the most important and amazing in the world.

Author: @dgalan,through Power Point 2010 tool, and using public domain image forbes.com.mx

It is important to mention that fireflies are able to create their own light, the South Korean company seeks to expose the progress of OLED honeycombs, which shows that each pixel within the panel has the ability to turn on or off independently or individually.

This project tried to show the world, to boast that they are watching a natural wonder, highlighting that visually deceived those attending the event, to deploy a meeting of fireflies in the darkness of the forest, when in fact it was being projected from the panel of one of the wonderful OLED TVs, with a quality of 4K.

Author: @dgalan,through Power Point 2010 tool, and using public domain image forbes.com.mx

The difference in relation to the different existing TV technology such as QLED or conventional LED, is that they must require to have a lamp behind the panel to illuminate and create the varieties of colors that can be seen on the screen, on the contrary, OLED panels, as these have independent organic pixels, also has the ability to only illuminate the different areas that are needed to display the image almost real.

With this OLED panel technology, you can deliver the color absolute blacks, because contrary to darken or reduce the lighting on the panel, you can have a darkness in the specific pixel that no other TV on the market can do.

Author: @dgalan,through Power Point 2010 tool, and using public domain image forbes.com.mx

To conclude we can mention that the LG corporation, is using for OLED TVs 2021, the latest technology that is AI Picture Pro, which provides three-dimensionality and depth to the images, where it includes intelligent processors α (Alpha) 9 Gen 4 AI, which makes the performance is increased and quality content is observed, crisp and detailed, leaving aside the old TVs and placing the competition in trouble, consolidating in the market.

I hope you like my article and I would appreciate all your comments.

bibliography consulted:

1.- https://www.forbes.com.mx/lg-utiliza-luciernagas-para-demostrar-el-avance-de-la-tecnologia-oled/.


hello @dgalan,
it is impressive how much technology advances with the design of these screens, when you think it is at a good level comes one of these companies and brings out a much better screen, the only question that comes to my mind is its market value if it will be at an affordable price or on the contrary it will be only for a small group of consumers who are willing to pay for the luxury and quality of such an article.

Greetings @ trabajosdelsiglo
I share your opinion, every day technology amazes us with new options that put the market. the truth is not the cost of the TV, what if I know that this new technology is superior to the current and environments are observed as if you were inside it.
Thank you very much for commenting.

 3 years ago 

Why is it that when one reads this type of news where the advances in technology manage to deceive to the point that one can believe that it is something natural, being something artificial.
I think I want to have a TV with the characteristics of that TV or screen in my home.
I'm sure you would want one too, wouldn't you?

Greetings @ lanzjoseg
No doubt to have this technology in our homes would be wonderful, to observe a landscape and think that it is real is priceless.

Of course I would like one to watch some sports and think I'm in the stadium.

I think that for us in Latin America it will take a long time to be able to have this technology at hand.

If you are able to get one, I appreciate the invitation.

Thank you very much for your comments.

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