Knowing Your Place

in Project HOPE3 years ago

When people don't know their place in this world - this is the fundamental reason why they keep on moving back and forth. They take steps today that will lead them in one direction, and tomorrow they'll take a completely different step that will be taking them to a different direction entirely.


You have to take some real quality time to know your place. You have to know what is your role in your family and the world at large - that's what it means to know your place. You don't get carried away by what another man is doing, because you're completely in line with who you are, and your exact role and purpose.

Even within families, everyone must know their place, so that things can be done smoothly. The father has his place in the family, and when he knows his responsibilities, there will be hardly problems from his end. The mother also has her role in the family. Also, the children have their roles.


The main reason why confusion sets in, is that somebody forgets their place. For example, when the father is taking up the role as the mother, or vise versa. Or the children aren't obeying their parents, but rather wanting their parents to be following their every need. There will always be fighting and confusion, when people don't know their place.

And in business, If you know your place - you know your job description and do as you're supposed to do; there'll hardly be problems. You have to really know who you are, and the role that you're playing both in your family, and in your business. You shouldn't be told what to do - when you know your place.

Thanks for taking time to read!



Hello @devotedman!
Everyone must know the place that corresponds to him and feel good in it, since everyone has a mission and responsibility, you can not assume a role that is not yours because it would be a deception, you will not feel good and you will not live life well.

A good place I slime your home you are attracted towards it take an example of a working professional you spend a lot of work in your office so it's kind of second home to your life.

Make it more comfortable and get to know the best place were you get positive vibes by doing work.

Hello my friend. We all have a role to play in society, either in the family, at work or in our community, knowing our place is essential for everything to flow in harmony, the balance is disturbed when we want to occupy a place that does not correspond to us.

Hi @devotedman

Good topic that you share with us again, certainly each of us must know our place, and I would dare to add even know our purpose in this life, as that will alleviate our plan to go reaching goals that go in correspondence with our place and purpose in life.

Best regards, be well.

Greeting @devotedman,

Knowing our place is very important

Excellent read
Thank you for sharing :)

very good

Well done @devotedman to me know your place is knowing who you Are...

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