Developing Strong Character As An Entrepreneur

in Project HOPE3 years ago

When we look around us, we see that the world is filled with so many different people. Different looks and different characters. As a matter of fact, your good looks can get you through the front door, but only your character can keep you inside that place of your desire. As an entrepreneur, it is without a doubt that you'll encounter situations that will test your character. How you act, may completely decide how far you'll go.


Unlike so many other things in life that are given. That is to say, so many things in your life came naturally to you. For example, your family background, your looks, your innate gifts and talents. All these you got without any effort. You may naturally possess a good mind for business. Some people possess a wonderful mind for music, sports and so on. The list is endless what you might possess naturally.

But character isn't like that. It's not a given. You don't become a person of strong character just out of the blues or just over night. You have to deliberately work on yourself, to become stronger in character. You have to learn to control your urges. We all have different urges. These urges and desires make us do things that we're not supposed to do or make us do those things at the wrong time.

To become really very successful as a business person, you can't afford to have your desires and urges run you. This is the case with so many entrepreneurs, they find it difficult to control their urges. And the truth is that it's difficult, most times you want to give in. You want to go have some fun, when you know you haven't gotten your most important work done. You want to buy that expensive necklace when you know your finances isn't good enough yet.


Really, the difference between men of success and men that aren't successful is in their character. Especially, their character with regards to money. How do you see money? How do you spend your money? How do you save your money? How do you invest your money? All these are questions that you need to ask yourself and provide a truthful answer to yourself.

Most people are unsuccessful simply because, they don't let their money accumulate. Whenever they make profits from their business, they can't control the urge to spend it. Doing this repeatedly, such a person will never grow, and will never be successful. You need to discipline yourself to develop a strong character regarding how you spend, save and invest money.

Thanks for taking time to read!



The character of an entrepreneur has the capacity to either sustain a business or make the business crumble, it is extremely important for every entrepreneur to have a sustainable character.

The character of an entrepreneur has the capacity to either sustain a business or make the business crumble

Very true what you've mentioned. Developing a strong character is very essential for an entrepreneur. Thanks for dropping by!

Hello @devotedman
One of the most important keys to advancing business is to always keep in mind the terms of recovery of investments, leave 50% of the profits to reinvest and allocate a % for reserve fund.
When you have no control over the expenses, you're destined for failure.
Great read, thanks for sharing
Have a great day!

Thanks a bunch for the valuable contribution. And thanks for dropping by!

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