Oil Crash, Streaming in Quarantine, Best Investment in 2020 – Charts of the Week

in Project HOPE4 years ago


The oil crashed, but oil stocks are fine. More people are using streaming services in quarantine. The currency devaluation is steep in many countries in 2020, what are the consequences? The best investment in 2020 is not what you think.

I started a new project on my financial web page, Agelessfinance, publishing now “charts of the day” for you, readers. I present you the summaries, if you are interested in the topics, just click on the pictures. The posts contain much more than a chart, also click if you want to know more about the background of the trends.

Weakest Currencies in 2020 and Severe Consequences to Expect

  • Countries that are heavily exposed to the crisis have devalued their currencies in 2020 by as much as 10 to 25 percent against the dollar.
  • The devaluation of raw materials, the collapse of tourism, and the contraction of trade are the main reasons.
  • The effects on a country can be both negative and positive. The greatest danger is that a vicious circle will form.

Click the chart to view the full post: 0015 Currency Prices YTD 2020 Weak Strong2small.jpg

You Have Been Warned about the Crude Oil Hazard

  • Two weeks ago, we wrote about the enormous dangers of buying crude oil and the benefits of purchasing cheap energy stocks instead.
  • This week, the historic collapse in crude oil prices has proved this perfectly.

Click the chart to view the full post: 0014 Crude Oil prices and Energy Stocks ETFssmall.jpg

Life Is Too Short to Watch Garbage Movies and Series

  • Millions of people subscribe to streaming services like Netflix in the quarantine.
  • Traditional television is becoming a thing of the past.
  • Stock prices also show this picture.

Click the chart to view the full post: 0016 Netflix, The Nasdaq 100 Index, Spotify, Roku, and Disneysmall.jpg

The Best Investment in 2020 Was a Yellow Substance

  • The best investment in 2020 is not what you think.
  • Plenty of investment plummeted this year, with few exceptions.
  • Gold is rising this year, but it’s not the winner.
  • One of the most hated investments in the world, uranium rose sharply.
  • But uranium mines are still in the red.

Click the chart to view the full post: 0017 URA ETF and Uranium Futures price YTDsmall.jpg

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(Cover photo: Pixabay.com)


Always with very shocking information. I just subscribed to your blog: https://www.agelessfinance.com/

Very good presentation you have.

I'll be following up. Thank you.

Thank you very much.

Great post friend, but you forgot to mention what the nest investment is? I read through with the mindset of finding out what the right investment but I did not get a clear picture, please can you clarify. Thanks

The best investment, or next investment? 😃

The best commodity investment this year was uranium. Which one will be the next, I don't know. I suppose other lows are possible if the pandemics' crisis gets longer than expected.

I never knew uranium was still mined, I thought it had gone into extinction.

I think in future atomic plants, thorium and atomic waste can also be used. Then, uranium may be extinct. But only in 1-2 decades or more.

I thought with the climate change (and with the oblivion of Fukushima), new nuclear plants will be built. But no sign of that. Maybe the old ones won't be closed.

But the existing ones still need fuel, and after closure of many uranium mines, this fuel can get slowly scarce.

Fundamental is so important that I've been ignoring for 2 decades. At times, I saw or even can predict moves from the chart, I just do not know why it move that way, now it make perfect sense! Technical analysis will be able to see the projection via patterns, how greed and fear drove the market move in certain ways. But, fundamental is the "reason" for the move!

The best from both schools, I like it.

Dropped you a follow. You're a real piece of asset here 🤭

I can say gold is best for investing in year CoronaVirus.

Or, if not this year, then, in 2-3 years. The long-term effects of the crisis can be very inflationary.

I just hope the coronavirus will end soon (get a vaccine or medicine), and I believe most stocks will fly quite high (at least short-term)! :)

Bear-market rallies are steep uptrend in a greater downtrend. Many companies may not even survive.

Some days ago an expert of WHO said it was not even sure if a Covid-19 vaccine can be made.
(Earlier I read 4 coronavirus types are continuously present in the human population, causing simple colds. How many vaccines do we have so far? Zero.)

 4 years ago 

Thanks for these graphics with your good explanation.
In the oil area it surprised many countries,
And just today I read the news from nexflit.

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