29 Zoom Alternatives, 4 Main Ways to Buy Gold, Surprisingly Stable Real Estate Prices – Posts of the Week

in Project HOPE4 years ago

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Last week, I made a list of 29 video-chat services which can be Zoom alternatives. With this competition, the stock may be overpriced. Also, a comprehensive guide about the four main methods to buy physical gold. And a chart about real estate processes. REITs in the US and Europe are underperforming the stock market.

This is my weekly post recommendation for you, with many charts and lists. I started a new project on my financial web page, Ageless Finance, publishing now “charts of the day” or list posts three times a week for my readers. I present you the summaries and if you are interested in the topics, lists, or the charts, just click on the image. But the posts contain much more than a chart or a list. Also, click if you want to know more about the background of these trends.

29 Zoom Alternatives and the Zoom Stock Price Explosion

  • Zoom alternatives are plenty. We found 29 (click the chart for the list).
  • Zoom stock price more than tripled this year.
  • The quarterly report was better than expected. The outlook is bright.
  • But the competition is heavy. The stock may be overpriced.

Click the picture to view the full post: 0037 0038 zoom videocommunications stock price640.jpg

How to Buy Gold Coins, Bars, Jewels? 4 Ways, Essential Pros and Cons

How to Buy Gold? An important question in crisis times.

  • Gold price is moving in an uptrend for years.
  • The trend may continue because of the unprecedented central bank and government measures.
  • There are many ways to buy gold, silver.
  • We made a guide about physical gold investments, listing many pros and cons.

Click the picture to view the full post: 0038 Gold Price Silver Price 20  years640.jpg

Will Real Estate Prices Drop after the Stock Market Massacre?

  • Corporate and private bankruptcy waves can push real estate prices down.
  • REITs in the US and Europe are underperforming the stock market.
  • People can still pay the rent for months, but not forever.
  • Are all these risks priced in?
  • Central banks provide support for real estate prices.

Click the picture to view the full post: 0036 USA EU REITs and Stock market indices640.jpg

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My Previous Chart and Post Recommendations:

7 Reasons Not to Gamble, Robinhood and The Woods of the Contrarian, 17 Quarantine Ideas Useful Forever
17 Fake Passive Income Ideas Explained, FANG+ Stocks and Gold Price Explosion
11 + 1 Grave Investment Errors, Brazil in the Abyss, People Need Online Work
11 Countries in Trouble, Busting the Myth of the Dividend Aristocrats
Facebook Is Earning on You, Pre-Corona Stock Prices, Financial Repression
Oil Crash, Streaming in Quarantine, Best Investment in 2020

(Photo: Pixabay.com)


Excellent posts,a wide variety of explanations,you are always a reference for me, many thanks.

Thank you for your kind words.

Thanks for the list. I'm sure it will come in handy.

You are welcome.

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