Project Hope competition #2 for all content creators

in Project HOPE4 years ago

Hello to all the members of @ project.hope, it is a pleasure for me to make this publication with reference to the contest promoted by @juanmolina and @ josevas217, so that we can put our neurons into practice and thus avoid plagiarism by creating our own content, starting from a famous Erich Fromm's phrase, I particularly love this way of approaching a topic from a sentence.



> "Education manufactures machines that act like men and produces men who act like machines." Erich Fromm

First of all, I think that education is a series of steps that allow us to go up a level for the intellectual development of activities, which will serve an organization, whether large or small, and that these activities are in favor of its functioning.

Education from my perspective is a formator of people who want to grow professionally, perhaps the sentence "machines that act like men" alludes to the fact that some people work mechanically under a stipulated work and time proposal, not because they like it, but because of the profit that it generates, but it does not make you happy to carry out your day-to-day tasks, because there is nothing better than doing what you like, since you would do it excellently to continue improving, advancing, and growing at the work level.

In addition to this, the sentence "produces men who act like machines" can be understood as education creates men and then they create machines to replace them, machines will never have spirit or soul, they only follow a program, it does not replace man in the reasoning, perhaps yes in a task that executes through a program, of course already stipulated by a man, but changes will always arise that will force man to continue renewing the machine, it will always depend on man to exist, they are only a complement for the realization and development of scheduled tasks, which facilitate work for human beings.



In the case of China, which are creators of a great variety of products, when seen in the workplace, they look like machines since they are very meticulous and organized in their tasks, and they work almost mechanically, which is very impressive, it could be understood that perhaps the phrase is true in this case; but I don't think that education in general trains us to be like that, it depends on the country of formation.

I think that today's education has lowered its level of demand and excellence compared to years ago, where more scientists emerged, people with a high range of knowledge, today, statistically, there are very few with that knowledge in balance to the number of world population, perhaps many countries in education are very good at training professionals, but I do believe that many educators (not all) exempt analysis, comparison and creation; They are not demanding, but rather go according to the current system in place; For example, in my country Venezuela, education has dropped to a minimum level of demand, where students do not see with passion the development of the proposed activities, now more so with the current pandemic, where the classes have been sent WhatsApp and not the They explain, they do not go according to an educational plan that trains professionals, but they assign simple tasks and pass the student to the next level and the student lost, because there was no one to explain mathematics for example, except of course in a home where the mother or Dad knows about mathematics and he was able to explain the proposed topics to his son, for all the above, it leads me to conclude that education has decreased its quality, at least in Venezuela yes.

I hope you like my publication and if you have any questions, do not hesitate to write in the comments!

If you want to participate in this contest here is the link:

Thank you very much!

Atte. @daytona475


Hello @daytona475
Thank you for participating in the contest.
Recently I was talking to a friend, who has a daughter who is 5 years old. He told me that he had a certain level of concern for his daughter, for his daughter's generation, because there is a tendency to want to make money fast, to be influential, youtuber and not to want to study.
As you say, education has largely deteriorated, even though today we have much more information at our fingertips.

Tienes muchas razón hoy en día hay muchos niños que le están prestado más atención a las redes sociales que a los estudios, debido a la mala gestión de las instituciones educativas, pero tampoco podemos dejar de lado que la tecnología está evolucionando con nosotros, porque cada vez la hacemos más necesaria. Muchas gracias por tu atención.

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