Society and Education causality dilemma or my entry to Project Hope competition #2

in Project HOPE4 years ago


Sometimes a good question, or in our case a quote, can inspire the flight of thought into a very strange direction. The quote of the day is as follows:

Education makes machines that act like men and produces men who act like machines." Erich Fromm.

Here is a well know causality dilemma about a chicken and an egg. The same question can be raised for this quote. Which comes first: the Society or the Education system, or more strictly: does the society form the education system or vice versa? As any thought is brighter when there is an example, let me put one here. I was born in a post-soviet country and went to school in 90s, in other words I went in an almost fully soviet school. Let me draw a picture in your mind.
(”Another Brick in the Wall” starts to play in the background)
Education was entirely based on standards, formal marks meant everything and critical thinking was discouraged, school uniform was mandatory. You were supposed to like all disciplines equally. School was meant to raise certain skills in you. It was designed to make you a part of an industrial society of the 20th century. Children learnt to use certain ways to solve a problem and not to ask question in the process. I don’t need to say this education system fitted perfectly to soviet society.

To give you a contrast, let’s take a look at a modern school in Finland. The school is based on practice rather than on theory. It sets a problem and give you chance to solve it yourself in your own way. It teaches you to think for yourself and use you knowledge on practice. It doesn’t try to push everyone under the same standard. Do I need to mention that society in modern Finland is “slightly” more opened and democratic than it was in USSR?

So what is the cause here? Does education system forms the society by shaping young minds in a certain way? Does society create education system to serve a certain purpose? For me, the answer is somewhere in between. Society forms school as much as school forms society. The good side of it is that in the modern era, ideas flow through internet smoothly. No matter how close the society is children learn to be more open-minded. I strongly believe that our small crypto revolution will boost this process even more. These children will grow up and make their countries better. On the other hand, the close society can put a young mind to a cage that is difficult to break.

As a post scriptum

What is your opinion on Society and Education causality dilemma? Does school in your country match with society model? Let’s discuss this in the comment section!


Hello @cryptohumster
First, thank you very much for participating in the contest with this good development, which allows to go beyond the apparent.
Surely you have a great vision of these two worlds, I refer to the world that was known in the 90's and in the world today, that although they are sustained in the same planet, without a doubt they are very opposite to each other.

I believe that achieving that middle ground you mention can lead to the creation of a better world.
In general, filling ourselves with theory conditions us to think relatively similarly, and obviously the solutions to problems will always be sought from the same academic perspective, only some might decide to try other things.

Giving the freedom to create individual solutions, as you mention the case of the Philippines, is something that takes the mind to another level from an early age.

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