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RE: Is everything alright with Project Hope?

in Project HOPE5 months ago (edited)

Good morning @akdx

Also, @crypto.piotr is not responding on steemit as well as on discord. I am worried about him. May he be alright.

Thank you for your kind words.

The reason behind my recent and current absence is ... my own private life problems. Just couple of months my wife and partner of 10 years announced that she doesn't want to be with me any longer and passed divorce papers to me.

I never signed it and right now we are trying to work things out while living separately. I got a new full time job as a boxing coach and I'm mostly hanging out in the gym. Sitting in front of laptop, on my own - that feels quite depressing so I end up hardly spending any time online.
So I started living off-line more and more, which lead to me spending hardly any time steemit.

Last reason for my absence is the fact that I have my doubts if price of STEEM will even pick up again. So it is hard to involve my time and energy while not knowing if my efforts would lead to any financially positive outcome.

I will do my best to reply to all discord messages in the nearest future. Sorry for not replying earlier and hope I can count on your understanding and patience.

Coming back to your post. Allow me to address few issues you pointed out in your post:

But, it seems to me that this community has started neglecting my posts

I'm sorry if I have missed any of your posts and did not upvote some of them. Im still doing my best to curate publications published in PH and I'm trying not to miss any posts and support all our old members with upvotes.

I am also not receiving dividend

I will look into it, however based on my own records I've been transferring weekly dividents to you every single weekend.



Truly, not everything goes as we want, as far as your marriage is concerned, a real shame, that a romance of more than 10 years, ends overnight, however; It is well known that not everything is eternal and if that person really does not want to stay by our side, no matter how much pain we feel, it is better to let it go and live in peace thinking that he is doing well and is being happy even if he is not by our side.

Thank you for always being supportive of Steemit users, even knowing that you have a lot on your plate. You always take your time to see who you are helping, thank you for always looking out for us and I sincerely hope that you can find peace and that everything you do from now on, goes much better.

Yours, Gaming.yer.

Thank you dear for responding. I was worried about you. Dividends and upvotings are small things compared to our friendship. I hope everything will be alright. Please don't be depressed. It happens sometimes that the people whom we trust, betrays us. It's not your fault. So, be happy and live a happy life.

 4 months ago 

thank you @akdx for your kind words

I don't really feel betrayed since my wife did not cheat on me. She just ... changed. And it is clear that she is not the same person I felt in love with. So all I can do is to let her walk away in peace from our marriage. Which I did.

As hard as it has been - thats the only way I know which would allow me to find my own inner-peace.


Dear @crypto.piotr have a wonderful time.

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