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RE: Improving our financial situation from the basics

in Project HOPE2 years ago

Great piece of work @josevas217

I found topics related to personal finance to be quite crutial, so allow me to resteem this post.

One thing that I myself found the most important is to learn to LOVE EXCEL. I believe that as long as we have problems with making notes about our spendings -> we will continue to struggle financially.

Planning, budgeting, monitoring our spending habbits. It is all a MUST.

spend less than you earn, yes, very basic, but often very forgotten,

Most amusing part is that Goverments are often the ones forgetting that simple rule. They have so many brilliant economicts recruited. And yet it doesn't help them to limit spending -> most of the time they spent more than they earn and end up printing more and pumping extra currencies into the economy (basically: they increase country debt to cover extra spending).

Cheers, Piotr

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